Growth Hacking 101 by Layla Galarneau - HTML preview

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Long Tail of Keywords

After coming up with a successful product or service, a sales site can then focus on the long tail of keywords. While the phrase originates from statistics, the concept remains quite simple.

The term applies to retail when considering sales of a large number of unique items or when delivering a large number of individual web searches.


Meaning, it can be difficult for a new company to show up in the top results on a Google page, but when searches are more specific, it’s easier to place higher among the results.

In order to better understand the long tail, consider the example of real estate. When choosing SEO words like “real estate,” there is a great deal of competition fighting for top results.

However, when using phrases like “Winston Salem North Carolina Real Estate townhouse,” results are much more specific. These types of businesses are ignoring the vast, general terms and focusing on the specifics.

The long tail allows for businesses to ignore the responsibility of supplying popular items to the masses by focusing on difficult-to-find items for niche consumers.

The total sale of the large number of unique items can help companies compete with more well known companies who sell bulk popular items.

Consider the bulk book sales from Amazon or the bulk movie rentals, song downloads or book downloads from Apple, two of the more known long tail retailers.


Methods of Success

As previously mentioned, understanding Internet marketing isn’t easy, but it can be simple. Much of the problem individuals have with Internet marketing is the thought process that it is just another “get rich quick”

method of business.

And, while there are “overnight companies,” it’s easy to forget the time invested before overnight success, much like an athlete from a small town, being drafted in the first round or winning an Olympic event. Just because the public didn’t see the struggle doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

For those wil ing to put in the work, however, businesses can grow faster and more efficient than ever before, thanks to Internet marketing and growth hacking.

In this chapter, readers are invited to discover a systematic method of effective Internet marketing. These four methods can be considered the backbone of Internet marketing as well as the foundation of success.

While there are seemingly endless examples of advice (both good and bad) in regards to Internet marketing, there are four methods that can never be overlooked.

These four, fundamental methods that make up the backbone to Internet marketing are as follows: relationships, direct response copywriting, content marketing, and valuable products.



Perhaps the most fundamental method is developing strong, personal relationships with customers. Whether this means individual connection or overall audience connection often depends on the company in question.

Either way, the method reminds business owners that keeping a working relationship is much easier than starting a new one.

Hunting for new customers is time consuming and expensive. Finding new leads have troubled businesses for years, whether it is a brick and mortar store or an online publication.

It’s easier to ask a loyal customer to return than it is to bring in a new one off the street. Know the value of your customers and let them know their value.

In order to do so, it’s vital to create an environment worthy of their interest.

Much like a dim-light store, no one wants to visit a poorly managed or weakly designed website more than once.

Beyond these seemingly obviously aspects, remember that customers (whether you’re selling products or seeking readers) want to see new information and that is what brings them running back for more.

Following these steps wil not only bring customers back, but it wil encourage those same customers to spread your message for you, reducing the price of advertising and only inviting new members from word-of-mouth.


Customers spread the word when they feel respected and believe in a product or source of information. Always have respect for your audience and let your audience know this mutual respect exists.

Respect comes in the form of your audience and your market. Focus on the needs of the market and the audience as if nothing else matters, because, essentially, nothing else does matter without your loyal customers.

Put their needs above the needs of the company and the company wil strive from this foundation of respect. Commit to a level of excellence and expel this excellence onto your customer base.