Home Based Business Advice to Help You Start Your Own Business! by Michele Miller - HTML preview

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Discipline and Motivation!

Oh no! Not the dreaded discipline stuff!

Yep, you won't get a successful business off the ground or be able to maintain one if you procrastinate. That business will not be as great as it could be if you're watching T.V. instead of working, now will it? Okay, I can hear your smart answers… but now you have to sit up and listen!

You need DISCIPLINE AND MOTIVATION. That’s as important as your business idea. You need to be a go-getter kind of person to have your own business. You need to be willing to get things off the ground yourself, and often willing to work for no financial return at first, or very little financial return. It helps to have vision; you have to sow the seeds to see the flowers. Overnight success is quite rare.

You can help yourself stay motivated by making a “to do list”, and “working your business” every day in some small or big way. It doesn’t really matter as long as you have a “plan” and keep chipping away at it until it happens. You hear people say all the time that you need to set your goals, well that's great advice, and a “to do list” will enable you to cross off things as you work through them, giving you a feeling of accomplishment as well.

If you write down your goals and put that piece of paper somewhere where you will read it every day, it will definitely keep you on track. Often times, no goals means no action. Not good!

Okay, what else do you need?







As you begin starting your own business, you may come across negative people who will discourage you and make you feel less confident. You must ignore these people and only let yourself focus on the positive. One day these people will eat their words. Try to find people who want the same out of life as you do and mix with them.

If you can, find yourself a mentor in the field you are going in to. This is a great help. You will be able to stay motivated about your future goals if you have someone to share them with.

A mentor will also give you insights into your business and hopefully share with you how to avoid certain mistakes along the way.

The last thing you need is FAITH – in yourself and a VISION. You must have this to succeed. Remember to tell yourself on a daily basis that you deserve to have a home business and that you believe in yourself to make it happen. You have to "see it", continually. Remember, "What you think about, you bring about!"


