Home Based Business Advice to Help You Start Your Own Business! by Michele Miller - HTML preview

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How to Stay Sane Working From Home!

I’ve heard several people say they get lonely and miss being around work associates when they work at home. This is also something for you to consider as you think about starting a homebased business. Will you be able to work alone, will you get lonely? I'm personally not affected by any of those things, and my days go by so quickly, I find it hard to find the time to have lunch out with friends, but everybody’s different.

Some people are almost forced to work at home, such as disabled people, single moms or dads that can’t afford daycare, or don’t want to put their children in daycare. For these people that didn’t necessarily choose a home career it can be quite difficult.

For those that chose to work at home, and don’t want to change that part of it, often times another problem arises. It can be called, “wearing all the hats syndrome”. Not only do you run a business and play manager, employee, billing clerk, sales person, inventory manager, etc., with a home business, you might find yourself cleaning the house, taking care of the kids, cooking meals, folding clothes, running errands, and paying bills, all during working hours. This problem tends to arise when there is no set work routine. It leaves one feeling overwhelmed on a daily basis.

To really enjoy a home business and keep yourself sane, it’s necessary to establish business hours and a routine.

It’s best to get dressed every day at a reasonable hour, otherwise you find the whole day’s gone and you’re still in your night clothes. It’s great to be able to do that, it’s just not good to do it. :





You can bet the doorbell will ring on the days you slack off on this one!

Give yourself a lunch break and try to eat healthy. It’s so easy working from home to walk by the fridge every thirty minutes and get a snack. Soon your body expects to be fed every couple of hours, just like a newborn. Not a good thing, especially when you start packing on the pounds.

Try to get some fresh air every single day.

It’s not good to get out of the house only once or twice a week. When you feel mentally happy and healthy, you will be able to stay sane with a home business.

Remember, working at home can be harder than working outside the home. It’s all up to you how your business turns out; it’s a lot of responsibility. So, try not to stress yourself unnecessarily.

Use phone time wisely. Enough said…

As far as housework goes, and all that other stuff that messes up your work day, I found something that works and may work for you.

I get up and get showered and dressed and then I spend about an hour cleaning the house. I’m usually ready to sit down and start work around nine, but if it’s ten o’clock that’s fine too. Routine, routine, routine, is the key to being successful and staying sane in a home business.


