Human Resources Management Course by ATG Educational - HTML preview

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This glossary explains the meaning of certain words according to the way they are used in this book.
accountability a situation where a person or organisation is expected to explain their decisions and actions to others
appraisal a review or assessment of performance
benefits an area of human resource management related to non-salary provisions for staff, such as health insurance or paid leave
board a group of people with overall responsibility for an organization
capability the ability necessary to do something
coaching helping a member of staff to perform better by asking questions rather than providing solutions
conduct personal behaviour
consistent where a principle is applied equally across the organization
curriculum vitae a summary of a person’s qualifications, skills and experience
customary usual or normal in a particular place
deduction an amount of money that is removed from a staff member’s wages
delegate ask someone else to do something on one’s behalf
discriminate treat someone differently than others, usually due to prejudice
dismissal the removal of someone from employment with the organization
dispute disagreement
errand a short trip somewhere to do something on behalf of someone else, such as delivering a message or buying something

exemptions items that are not covered by a provision such as insurance expatriate a member of staff who is a citizen of a different country from the one in which they work

feedback communicating how well or poorly someone has done something
grade the level of job according to the skills required, the responsibility the staff member will have and the degree to which they will represent the organization
grievance a cause for complaint
gross misconduct behaviour that is below moral or professional standards and is likely to lead to dismissal
handover the transfer of responsibility from a staff member who is leaving their role to the new member of staff in that role
insurance broker an agent who sells insurance
intranet a computer network, similar to the internet, which can only be accessed by staff
line manager a manager who has responsibility for one or more staff members
mentor a person who provides advice and support to those who are less experienced
minutes an official record of what is said or agreed in a meeting
morale the level of confidence or optimism felt by a group of people
next of kin a person’s nearest relative, such as spouse or parent
notice period the length of time between a person or organisation providing notification that they wish to end the contract and the end of the contract itself
payroll the total sum of money to be paid to employees at a given time, or the department that pays the salaries
payslip a printed statement of the amount an employee is paid
policy An agreed set of rules or guidelines that describes how an organisation will deal with a specific situation
practice the process of carrying something out
probationary period a length of time at the beginning of a person’s employment contract during which their suitability for the job is assessed
procedure an established way of doing something process a series of activities that lead to the fulfilment of a particular aim
pro rata in proportion
punctual arriving on time
recruit to employ a member of staff for a particular post
redundancy to end someone’s employment because their role is no longer necessary
referee someone who is asked to comment on the character, skills and experience of a person who is applying for a job
reference a statement about someone’s character, skills and experience to a potential employer
retirement to leave a job voluntarily or wherever an upper age limit to work is set by local labour laws or the organization
safety relates to the working environment within the organisation’s control
salary a sum of money paid to an employee at regular intervals in return for their work for the organization
secondment the temporary transfer of a member of staff to a different role within the same organisation or in a different organization
security relates to the working environment outside the organisation’s control
system a combination of policies and practice
transparent open rather than secret. In an organisation, transparency means that employees can find out and understand why decisions are made
vacancy a job which is unoccupied
word of mouth spoken communication


Certification for this course is available through ATG Educational – London

The package includes: 1 x Diploma + 2 x official Transcript of Records + 5 x Recommendation letters from ATG Educational. All documents will bear the “ATG Educational – London Office” official stamp and will be signed in hand writing.

• A 20 question exam will have to be completed for verification purposes (don’t worry, you can find the questions and the answers below). Your exam will appear in the secure section of the ATG Educational website, “Former students area”. Access to that area is done by using a password that we provide in the Recommendation letters. The idea behind this practice is for your employer to be able to see that you are actually registered with us, that you have completed the course and that you have attended the exam personally (as you will see, we require that you complete the answers to the 20 questions in your hand writing, sign the exam, scan it and e-mail it to us so we can make it available to your employer).

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1. Give 3 (three) main areas of Human Resources Management


2. Define the following term: the organization’s mission


3. What are the key issues to take into account when considering salaries?


4. What are the 4 (four) steps that need to be taken in order to set a salary for a particular job?


5. What other issues have to be taken into account when identifying salaries?


6. Name 4 (four) benefits an organization may provide to its staff


7. Name 3 (three) types of leave


8. What is an employment contract?


9. What is a staff handbook?


10. What information should a job advertisement include? Page 2 of 2


11. What needs to be included in the letters inviting candidates to an interview?


12. What do we try to find out in the interviews?


13. What is performance management and what does it involve?


14. What are the 3 (three) main types of appraisals?


15. What is leadership?


16. What are the steps in goal – setting?


17. What are the 4 (four) main strategies that leaders choose in order to position their organization?


18. What are the keys for motivation?


19. Why is effective time – management important?


20. What do committees provide?

Date Signature ANSWERS (write them on the exam sheet below each question, exactly as they appear on this page)

1. Recruitment; Performance management; Staff development.

2. The organization’s mission is what the organization commits itself to do and identifies the people the organization serves, where they are and how they are served.

3. Salaries should be consistent with the organization’s grading structure, salaries should be fair and the grading and salary system should be transparent and easy to understand.

4. Write a job profile; Evaluate job; Assign a grade; Set salary.

5. Local labor legislation and employment practice; Local common practice on salaries; Allowances and other benefits; Location of the job; Budget available to pay salaries.

6. Medical cover; Accomodation; Flexible working hours; Learning opportunities.


7. Annual leave; National holidays; Short – term sick leave.

8. An employment contract is a legal agreement between an employer and a staff member stating the business relationship between them, including what compensation the staff member will receive for the work they do and outlining the terms and conditions of employment.

9. A staff handbook is a reference tool for managers and staff containing useful information about the organization, the terms and conditions of employment and the outlining policies that the organization has.

10. Brief description of the organization; How the role fits into the work of the organization; Location of the job; What the role involves; What kind of person the organization is looking for; Salary; Start date; Closing date for applications; How to apply.

11. The date and location of the interview, with a map; Details about any tests and presentations that they will be expected to carry out as part of the interview together with the length of time these will take; Documentation that they will need to bring with them, such as a passport, work visa and education certificates.

12. Gaps in employment; Experience relevant to the job; Reasons for leaving a particular job; Personal abilities; Relevant academic qualifications.
13. Performance management is the process of looking both to the future and to the past with a member of staff and it involves: Setting clear, agreed objectives; Assessing and evaluating performance against those objectives; Providing feedback on performance; Planning, prioritizing and agreeing the way forward.

14. Instant (could occur at any time during the day); Regular (weekly, fortnightly or monthly meetings), Formal (every six or twelve months).


15. Leadership is the process or ability to motivate and mobilize others to unite and to work toward achieving a common goal.


16. Brainstorming; Prioritizing; Developing an action plan.


17. Reactive; Change the internal environment; Change the external environment; Establishing a new linkage between the external and internal environments.


18. Goals; Incentives; Communications; Evaluations; Leadership – organization, coordination and management.


19. It helps you to meet deadlines, to accomplish more and to have more free time.


20. Committees provide the research, analysis, momentum and involvement that allows the organization to make good decisions and maintain effective programs.


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