Make Million from Your Business


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Book Description HTML

Your best chance of achieving wealth in the millions is to become part of an early stage entrepreneurial firm. While failure rates for early stage ventures are reasonably high, most fail because they lack the fundamentals of a good business. Most businesses fail because the business idea was never properly researched, the founder lacked any business training or they had inadequate funding to see their business through the early development stage. Avoiding the basic mistakes, ensuring you have some business education and learning from the mistakes of others, substantially increases the likelihood of success. In this book I have set out what I consider to be the 101 rules for survival, growth and profitability of a business. It comes from twenty years of experience.

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Dr. Tom McKaskill

Global serial entrepreneur, educator, author and angel investor, Dr McKaskill is an authority on how entrepreneurs’ start, develop and harvest their ventures. He is the world’s expert on exit strategies for high growth enterprises. His experience includes multiple start-ups in the UK and USA, raising venture capital twice, undertaking two acquisitions and strategic trade sales of three businesses. Recently retired from the Richard Pratt Chair in Entrepreneurship at the Australian Graduate School of Entrepreneurship, Dr. McKaskill is the author of 14 books covering such topics as new venture growth, raising venture capital, selling a business, acquisitions strategy and angel investing.

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