Make Money Flipping Houses While on Vacation by Jason Medley & Joe McCall - HTML preview

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Chapter 6

Tracking Hot Leads


Joe McCall:

I also use FreedomSoft a lot and let me just show you real quickly what that looks like. A seller calls in, they leave a message, they say, “Hey, I got your text. Yeah, I might consider selling my house or I might consider doing a lease purchase.”

I have my VAs then actually go into my FreedomSoft account and there are other tools out there that I like that are good. FreedomSoft is the one I like the best.

They’re going to put the person’s name, Jim Smith Test. They’re going to put in their address, 719 Falcon Hill Trail. They’re going to save that lead in there. They’re going to call the seller back and ask them some questions. I’m going to give you the questions here in a minute.

The cool thing about FreedomSoft is it’s a great way to track the leads and assign them to groups and rank the leads by how hot they are and color code it and stuff. You can track the type of deal this is. It’s going to be a lease option, let’s say it’s a new. You can put their email in here, You can track the source of these leads and you can ask questions.

You can change these things around to ask them different questions. Why are they selling? Does it need any repairs? What do they need to sell it? What’s their asking price? What’s their lowest acceptable, etcetera.

The reason I’m showing you all this is because they put this information in, they put in their notes of the conversation right in here, and let’s say the seller says, “You know what? I am interested in doing a lease purchase.” I’m going to save changes here and they say, “I’m interested. Send me some more information.” Now I just saved this and you can see right next to the email here is a little envelope.

My VA does this and they open up a bunch of different email templates and they can select who it’s coming from and I can click right here, Email Templates and I have an email template called Lease Option.

Let’s do this one. It inserts their name and says, “Hey, it was nice talking to you about doing the lease purchase on your house.” It inserts the property address. I give a brief summary of how my lease purchase program works and it lists six or seven benefits. “We look forward to talking to you,” and it gives the phone number, fax number, and all that stuff. They click “Send Email” and it sends that seller an email.

Then, you can track down below here the communication log, when the email was sent and things like that. Sometimes what I do – I don’t do this as much as another friend I have – you can attach things on here. I have my VAs record all of their calls in Skype. You could have the VA then attach the phone call that he or she had with the seller and attach it to this lead. Then, you can go in and assign different tasks.

Let’s say you want to assign a task to follow up with this seller in two days. You just say, “Follow up with seller,” and you can give it a due date. You save it and close it. On the 17th, whoever is in FreedomSoft or I’ll get an email, a little pop-up, “Hey, follow up with this seller.” You click on the button and it takes you right to the lead and you can see the email that you sent and you can call them back and follow up.

It’s really important when you’re doing a bunch of this marketing to track your leads and where they come from.

*Author’s Note:

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You can even go in and get street views and stuff like that for some of these homes. That’s one of my rental properties.

Whether it’s FreedomSoft or whatever, you have to have a way to track and follow up with your sellers.

My VAs do all of this for me and they track all these leads for me in FreedomSoft. I can get online, go into my FreedomSoft account, see all of the hot leads that we have, and I can go and look at the notes, make sure my VAs are following up with them, making sure they’re sending the information. If we sent a contract, we know that we’ve sent a contract and that we can follow up.