Make Money Flipping Houses While on Vacation by Jason Medley & Joe McCall - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Intro- Living the Life

Jason Medley:

Good evening everybody. Welcome to another edition of The Six Figure Secret Society, it’s Jason “The Money Man” Medley and we’re going to rock the house tonight. I have a very exciting guest on the phone with us tonight, a buddy of mine named Joe McCall. This is just going to be a hard hitting, meat on the bone content call. Grab a pen and paper and saddle up. We’re going to cover off on some really cool, dynamic stuff.

This call resulted from a conversation that Joe and I had about a week ago. He was saying, “You know, I’ve been gone for two months in the Czech Republic. I had my wife and my kids with me and I was still flipping properties over there.”

Of course me, I was digging in and starting to get curious and just really started asking, “How are you doing this? Who’s finding your leads? Who’s calling those leads? Who’s signing your documents? Who’s going to see the houses? How are you doing all that when you’re literally thousands and thousands of miles away?”

He started sharing with me how he was doing that. We’re going to cover off on this stuff tonight. This is going to be a nitty-gritty call. Again, it’s 100% content. Please, pay attention. Turn everything else off. I can assure you that you’re going to learn more tonight than just real estate. This will empower you to actually start thinking about how to automate your life, or I should say remove yourself from things you don’t want to do. I try to outsource and delegate everything.

If you want a laugh, I’ll give you an example. If I don’t want to do it, I don’t need to do it, and I don’t have to do it, I’m going to try to find somebody else to do it. That’s the way I want you to start looking not only at your real estate business, but your life.

I haven’t been to a grocery store in over five years. That’s the honest truth. Occasionally, if my girlfriend drags me in there for some strange, odd reason, but I haven’t been to the grocery store in five years. Why? Because I don’t go.

I have a spreadsheet, I send over everything I want from the grocery on Thursday nights and I have some young lady who goes and gets it, cooks my food, brings it to me in Tupperware and drops it off at my house on Sunday. I only pay her $70.00 to do it all. Obviously, plus the cost of everything.

That’s not the point. It’s not about me and whether or not I go to the grocery. It’s about learning to look at your life and look at your business in a way that you say, “You know what? I didn’t get into business to be a slave. I got into business to have freedom.” To have control of your time.

I want you to write this down because I’m hoping at the end of this call, this is going to resonate with you. Something that I have grabbed onto, and I actually got this from a book I read a few months back and it’s called The Millionaire Fast Lane. The author of this book kept emphasizing that money is no longer your currency, it’s your time. Time is your currency. The only reason you want money is to have control of your time, so time is your currency. Start thinking about that. When things get in your life that are trying to steer your time or they’re not worthy of your time, get it out of your way.

Gang, I’m juiced up about this call. I want to introduce to you Joe McCall. He’s a super good guy. He’s actually coming to my next Six Figure Secret Society mastermind in San Diego in August. I’m very excited an honored to have him coming out. Without much further ado, I’m going to let you take it away, brother. Let’s hammer it out.

Joe McCall:

Thank you, Jason. Feel free to interrupt me. You said this is a 100% content call. I have to correct you there. It’s not. It’s a 110% content call. I love these calls, actually. I was telling you before I got on what I was going to be talking about and I was going to be kind of telling my story and how I got started in real estate because that’s what most people want when they want a content call.

You said, “No, no, no. Stop. We don’t want to know your whole sob story of how you got into real estate. We want to know how you’re doing deals, man.”

I said, “Well, cool. I like talking about that.” I had to redo all my slides, thank you very much. I was rushed to get them done. I love talking about the details of how I do these things. I use a lot of tools and resources to flip properties.

I love real estate, man. I’ve been flipping properties full time now for three years and my specialty is what I call wholesaling lease options. I wholesale anything I can get my hands on, but right now I think that in my experience the easiest deals to flip are lease options. Find a seller who can’t sell their house and you tie it up on a lease option contract and then you wholesale that contract to a tenant buyer.

My experience is those are the easiest deals to outsource because you don’t have to meet the sellers. I don’t go see the sellers, I don’t go meet them in their house. I don’t take pictures, I don’t shoot a video. The seller shows the house for me to my buyers. The seller emails me pictures, and then I have virtual assistants do my marketing and realtors who do the other marketing for the home itself.

Jason Medley:

Joe, let me spout something here real quickly. Gang listen, we’ll have this as interactive as possible. If you want the opportunity to ask Joe questions, you’re going to have to get off your voice over IP connection, which is very simple. On the right side of your screen under the audio tab on your control panel you’ll just click “telephone” instead of “mic and speakers”. A phone number will come up and you can call in.

The only way you can raise your hand, you click the little symbol that looks like a hand on the right hand side. The only way that you can get your question answered is you have to click that button, but you have to call in. Technology is not to the point where we can try to do this over voice over IP as far as taking your questions that way.

Please call in, click telephone. It will show you a phone number. Call in, ask questions. Let’s get interactive. Let’s get real. Let’s get the real answers out there.

Sorry to break you up there, Joe.

Joe McCall:

My wife and I got married in 1998 while I was still in school. We went to Prague through a student exchange program. I wasn’t in high school, I was in college. We went to Prague and fell in love with Europe. We were there for six months. We came back to the U.S., moved around quite a bit.

Now we have four kids. We’ve adopted all four of our kids. We love our kids. I’m the most blessed man in the world. We wanted to take them to Europe, but how can you take a family of four kids on a 12 hour flight to Prague for just a week or two? We asked ourselves, “Why don’t we go for two months?”

We said, “Okay, why not?” We couldn’t think of a good enough reason to say no, so we started planning on it. I started thinking, “You know what? Can you really travel all around the world with your family, flipping properties with only a laptop?”

I’ve heard of other guys talk about this stuff, but I’ve never met anybody who had actually done it. It’s funny, since I’ve started doing this I’ve started meeting a bunch of people who have been doing it because I get calls, “Hey, I’ve done that before.”

There’s a guy, Justin Lee. I don’t know if you know him, Jason. He’s in Panama right now, flipping properties in San Diego. Anyway, I have friends who live in India flipping properties right now in Chicago, believe it or not so I said, “I want to do this.”

I set off on a mission to flip properties while I’m traveling with my family of four kids. I can’t tell you how many strange looks we got, but we got plenty of them in Prague, with our four kids, flipping properties. I’ll show you in a minute where I was working mostly.

*Author’s Note:

This presentation contains many slides and pictures to which the speaker is referring. As a Free Bonus and to make your reading experience easier you may follow along on the video by clicking here.

This is us. This was taken about three or four months ago in Prague. You see the Prague Castle behind there. It’s the biggest castle in the world. There’s also the Charles Bridge, which was built in the 1300s.

It’s amazing to be in these buildings and to see these things that were built in the 1100s, 1300s when we didn’t even know that there was a North American continent. There were still Indians running around, shooting buffalo and living in teepees. They were building these huge civilizations over in Europe. It blows me away thinking about it.

There we are in London at some castle, I forget what it’s called. The London Bridge is right behind us.

We really wanted to get out into the country. We went to Ireland for about a week and saw lots of rivers and bridges and stone fences.

This is a barn that we stayed in. It’s a converted barn that was built in the 1200s or something crazy like that. It was converted into a house.

That’s my daughter at the beach.

We saw lots of these things everywhere. We saw tons of sheep. That’s the ocean there in the background.

We loved Prague. I want to just show you guys. I was thinking as I was doing this, I’m wondering if anybody really believes me. You go into Facebook and the cool thing about Facebook and phones and technologies is you can take a picture from wherever you are and you use location services and the picture can tell where you are, and then when you upload the picture to Facebook it can tag you.

It’s kind of spooky, but this is proof. Here we are in Prague right there with these pictures that I took from my phone, and Ireland. There’s a place called The Dirty Duck, loved it, in London.

The other cool thing is I want to show you where I worked. Here’s a Google map of Prague. Prague is a beautiful city. If you ever get a chance to go, you really should check it out. Here is the heart of Prague right here.

This is called Newtown right here, it’s called Newtown if you can see that. This part of town was built in the 1600s. That’s new for them.

We were living right down here on a street called Plaskus Street. If you take this little Google Streetmaps you can drive right past our street. It’s absolutely amazing with this technology.

Here is our house, right up here. There are these tall, five story buildings and we rented a two bedroom, furnished apartment there.

Let me show you where I worked. It was about four or five blocks, there’s a place right here called Café Savoy. This is where I spent most of my time working. They had the fastest internet from where I could find it.


Kind of like your Starbucks in the Czech Republic?

Joe McCall:

Yeah, but they don’t have brewed coffee. You can only buy cappuccinos and espressos and stuff. That was where I worked.

I won’t spend too much time walking through here, but the river is right over here and the famous castles and bridges are right over here.

There was another place I worked. If we have time at the end I’ll show you some cool places. The public transportation is just incredible in Prague and we spent a lot of time traveling around the city, seeing a bunch of things.

I do want to show you one thing right here. This is the famous Charles Bridge that’s really, really old. It’s kind of the centerpiece of the whole city.

There was a playground right here. We would take our kids. There were tons of playgrounds and we’d always take our kids to these playgrounds. I would work about two to four hours a day, and the rest of the time it was scheduling it around naps. We would go walk around the city, see the touristy things and stuff like that.

Jason Medley:

You kind of grazed over that, Joe, but I just want to kind of make sure that everybody heard it. You said that you worked two to four hours a day. Not only is he doing it remotely, guys. He’s doing it in 10 to 20 hours a week. I’ll tell you this, I’ll be very candid with you. I work about the same amount of time a week. That’s being very straightforward and candid. I probably work around 20 hours a week consistently and routinely.

There are definitely times when I start new projects, I’m getting ready to start a new project where I’ll burn it out for maybe the next 60 days. I might work from 11:00 until 8:00 or 9:00 for 60 days just to get some momentum to get the project off the ground, and then I’ll go back to basically what I was doing, working around 20 hours a week.

The key is that starting to think – this is amazing that Joe was able to do this. This is more than just controlling your time. It’s about a life experience. It’s such an amazing way to spend time with your family. The point here is that we’re going to get into the realities of how this is done. Joe is actually going to show you some of the tools that he uses, as well.

That’s what we were talking about. I want to get nitty-gritty. I really want to show people how you’re doing all this when you’re that far away. How the heck do you flip houses when you’re that far away? Everybody seems to be amused yet intimidated when somebody’s telling them they can work anywhere in the world.

The bigger purpose of this call for me, gang, is not just to help you in your real estate business, not just to help you get off the ground, not just to help you grow it if you’re already experienced, but to help you start thinking about getting rid of things you don’t like to do, don’t need to do, and don’t have to do and let somebody else do it.

Joe McCall:

That’s a good point. I talk about this a lot. I just write down everything that I do and I look at, “Okay, what am I good at? What am I not good at? What can I get somebody else to do?” I just outsource it.

I don’t outsource my grocery shopping or my cooking. If you count my wife, maybe she does that for me.

Jason Medley:

It’s a little harder to do when you have kids. I’m a single guy.

One thing, before we go any further. Gang, write this down. We’re going to jump into the nitty-gritty of the call, but write that down. That phrase that I just shared with you is really the way that I started to improve my life from the perspective of having a lot of time. I wrote that phrase down and I put it on the top of a piece of paper. If I don’t want to do it, I don’t need to do it, and I don’t have to do it, I’m not going to do it. Then I would just slowly start figuring out ways to delegate that or to get someone else to do it.

Write that phrase down. If I don’t want to do it, I don’t need to do it, and I don’t have to do it – write that at the top of a piece of paper and on a daily basis just start putting things on there and take back control of your life.

Joe McCall:

Loron McGrann says, “The less I work, the more I make.”

Jason Medley:

That’s definitely the way it’s been for me.

Joe McCall:

This is my second favorite coffee shop. There was Starbucks there, so I needed some brewed coffee and I was able to work at the Starbucks right here.

It’s a cool place. You can see these old trams that are here, and that’s an older one. They have a lot of newer ones, as well.

I could show you a bunch of pictures, but you guys are probably getting bored of the pictures.