Make Money Flipping Houses While on Vacation by Jason Medley & Joe McCall - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

Four Keys to Success

Joe McCall:

I believe that there are four keys to success in real estate that maybe could apply even to other businesses, as well. It’s marketing, automation, delegation, and I added a fourth, sales – learning how to talk to sellers, learning what to say.

I’m going to spend all my time on the first three here about marketing, what kind of marketing I was doing. It’s real important that you develop marketing systems so that they can be automated so that somebody else can do them. I say this over and over again – you’re not in the real estate business, guys. You are in the marketing business. This is a marketing business through and through, and without leads your business is dead. You have to be an expert in marketing and understand marketing.

I learned this really early on because I had a full time job 60, 70 hours a week. The only time I could talk to sellers was on my lunch break or when I was driving home. I had to develop systems since I wanted to quit my job so badly of getting VAs to do my marketing for me. I even hired a friend on commission only to actually talk to sellers and I hired realtors to market my homes for me.

It worked. All of a sudden I started flipping these deals like lease options like I do mostly. Within three months of doing that, my part time income flipping these lease options surpassed my full time income. That was three years ago. That’s when I left my job. I didn’t even have any idea what I was going to be doing three years later, going to Prague for a couple of months. We’re already talking about going to Costa Rica next spring. We’re going to San Diego for a week or two weeks in August, next month, to see you, Jason. I’m bringing my family with me.

I’m going to Colorado a month after that for another vacation for the week. I’ll be taking a lot of time off, but I’ll still be working and my team will be running the stuff without me.