Paid Surveys for Moms Dads & Teens - A Quick Guide to Making Money Taking Paid Surveys Online by M.Brown - HTML preview

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Chapter Ten

What Financial Benefits Dads Can Get from Taking Surveys Online?


For years dads were thought to be the main "bread winners"of the family but sometimes even he needs help in finding new ways to win that bread. As a man myself, we men are many times stubborn and cynical when it comes to trying something new. This new thing could either be going to see a doctor for the first time in 25 years, or just a menial task like simply trying on a new pair of shoes in the mall.

If you're a father who's been looking for that extra income either just to get a few bills paid or supplement your day job earnings, then this section is for you!

Just like in the previous section of moms, I'll provide a detail example so you can get an idea of how much money for you in paid survey taking.

Daily Routine of Online Survey Taking

*Note: As a rule of thumb the number of different survey sites are set at 10, but you may do as many as you like.

According to how you approach this method, you could have more or less. Also this includes saving up to make larger purchases later on.

(A) $1,320 monthly in online surveys.

average payment per survey & referral payments $4.44

10 surveys daily from different sites

total time a day: 1.5 to 2 hours max.

(B) $1,030 monthly in online surveys.

average payment per survey & referral payments $3.33

10 surveys daily from different sites

total time a day: 1.5 to 2 hours max.

(C) $688 monthly in online surveys.

average payment per survey & referral payments $2.22

10 surveys daily from different sites

total time a day: 1.5 to 2 hours max.

(D) $344 monthly in online surveys.

average payment per survey & referral payments $1.11

10 surveys daily from different sites

total time a day: 1.5 to 2 hours max.

Now after studying this, ask yourself these questions...

Can this extra income add to my full time job?

Should I go and get that audio upgrade for my new pick-up truck?

Could I now plan a surprise for your girlfriend, fiance' or wife with a week long romantic get-away Cruise in the Caribbean?

How about my son who constantly needs every new Xbox & Playstation game that comes out?

Could I get that new riding lawnmower for my dad on Father's Day?

Could I get my mother that solid gold tennis bracelet for Mother's Day instead of just the usual card?

How about replacing that cracked up siding on the house?

Could I get a pair of washer and dryer machines our family always needed?

Could I get the central air unit fixed or replaced?

Should I pay off some of those annoying monthly credit card payments?

How about putting more savings in the bank for that rainy day?

Could I give to charity and plus get deductions at the of the year on my taxes?

As you can see the list would go on and on...

You would only need to apply this for about 1.5 to 2 hours daily to make this work. The amount for each survey taken would vary but you could always achieve to set your own dollar amount per day.

But I'm a Busy Father!

It's true that being the man of the house can mean being the busiest! In detail below I've provided different scenarios of how you can greatly consolidate time by taking up to 10 surveys a day, and not completely blowing yourself out. Like in the earlier session with mom, in order to achieve around $1,300 a month, it would require at least an extra two hours of your time in a day.

You can combine 10 different surveys together and take them at the same time. It would allow you to start and finish both surveys on about the same time frame by having two tabs or windows opened in your browser. You could always multiply your money in one session doing surveys this way.

Scenario 1:
$2.50 (avg. survey)

Morning: $12.5
(five surveys)

Noon: $5 (two surveys)

Night: $7.50 (three surveys)

Total: $25 (a day) $175 (a week) or $700 (a month)

Avg. Time for Session: 1.5-2 hrs. (daily)

Scenario 2:
$2.50 (avg. survey)

Morning: $5
(two surveys)

Night: $20 (eight surveys)

Total: $25 (a day) $175 (a week) or $700 (a month)

Avg. Time for Session: 1.5-2 hrs. (daily)

Scenario 3:
$2.50 (avg. survey)

Early Morning: $15
(six surveys)

Noon: $5 (two surveys)

Night: $5 (two surveys)

Total: $25 (a day) $175 (a week) or $700 (a month)

Avg. Time for Session: 1.5-2 hrs. (daily)

Like I mentioned before that 10 surveys are just a rule of thumb demonstrated here. You can increase, decrease or re-arrange this however you like to make how much you want in any given month. Don't forget that you can always make additional passive income from a percentage of every referral that has signed up under you. This alone could bring in way more money than taking the surveys itself on autopilot!

For some folks having to do 10 surveys a day sounds like a total waste of time. As you can see there's much time to do many other things in the day when you can consolidate it into small intervals. Each session would take you as much time to do one since its all done at the same time. Having to take 1.5-2 hours out of the day to make $37 is pretty sweet considering many folks take the same amount of time wasting it on other mundane things.

As a father young or old, this would get you that extra grand or so in your pocket every month. The best part is that it's all on you of how much you want to make by dedicating just your time. I've already done this to challenge myself and it wasn't as difficult as it seemed. However it does take focus and a set goal in mind to reach for it to work. Good luck to all you dads out there!