Passion to Profits: How to Start a Profitable Online Business That You Love by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 1

Why You Need to be Self-Employed

Here is why I believe you MUST be self-employed. It has to do with why I believe you exist; why you were put on this earth. This is what I believe with all my heart:



Abraham Maslow, after years of research and study concluded that, in order for a person to be happy and fulfilled, he said, “What a person can be, they MUST be.”

Marianne Williamson said it best when she said, “You are here to manifest the glory of God that is within you; it’s not just in some, it’s in everyone.”

You have amazing potential. But you will never, ever, realize your full potential by working for someone else; it’s just not going to happen.

When you work for someone else, you are helping them accomplish their dreams.

You need to be working on your own.

You will never realize your potential if someone else controls your time, your income and, more importantly, your creativity. You need to be in control of your own destiny.

If you spend 40 – 50 hours per week doing something that you don’t want to do, but have to do; it drains your energy. It just sucks the life right out of you. But you know that.

That’s why you come home exhausted and stressed; and can’t wait for the weekend. And that’s why you get that knot in your stomach Sunday night, because you know that tomorrow, you have to do it all over again. All you can do is hang on and pray for those two weeks of vacation each year.



But imagine if you are doing something every day that you want to do; and that you are excited to do. You become energized. Instead of swimming upstream and fighting the current of life you are now going with the flow of life. You go so much farther, so much faster and with so much less effort because you are in the flow of life. Right where you belong.

This is the only way to become the greatest version of yourself. This is the way you allow your talents and passions to flourish. This is the way that you create for yourself a life of joy, purpose and abundance. The life you were meant to live.

This is why I put together my website and resources. Here is how it all started:

If you have followed my work for any length of time you will know that my passion is helping others realize their full potential. To help them create for themselves a life of joy, purpose and abundance.

It is what I wrote about, spoke about and taught.

But something had disturbed me for a very long time. When I would follow up with people who had read my book, Fanning the Ember, or attended one of my lectures; I would ask them if they are still heading in the direction of their dreams. And, if not, why not? Where were they stuck? What was their biggest obstacle?

And the overwhelming majority of these folks all came back describing the exact same struggle:


Sure they had dreams. But they didn’t know how to go after them without quitting their jobs and taking a huge risk. They had bills to pay and a family to support. To risk it chasing a dream meant potential financial hardship for their families. After all, look at all the businesses that failed. So, as a result…they felt stuck.

This disturbed me quite a bit and was simply unacceptable. What good was it to write and lecture in an effort to help others realize their full potential if most of them could not overcome the most difficult obstacle they faced; feeling trapped in their jobs.

What good was talking to others about passion and dreams and creating the life they want if I couldn’t help them get there. I desperately wanted to provide a solution.

As so often happens; as I was giving my thought and attention to this on a regular basis, the solution presented itself to me.

I was reading, “Spiritual Economics” by Eric Butterworth. (It is an outstanding book and I highly recommend it). Actually, I was re-reading it. I read it several years ago, and like most books that have a profound impact on me, I often re– read them. Each time I do, I read them with ‘new eyes’. Meaning, because I am at a different level of understanding, I learn something new, each time I read it.

My answer appeared at the bottom of page 205. (In the paperback version)

It read, “How great is the need to help people know themselves as channels for  the flow of God-substance from within, thus to help them throw off the shackles of  poverty and move up into the mainstream of affluent living.”

It hit me like a smack upside the head. In that instant it became so obvious. I was a teacher and I am passionate about helping others. I would teach others to do what so many people have done. Start a part time internet business that can be built up to replace their current income without the risk of quitting their job.

But it wouldn’t be just any business, it would be one based on their interest and passions and customized to fit their talents and strengths. It would be something they wanted to pursue because they would offer a product or service that was aligned with their true selves. In other words, I would teach them to sell something that they were excited to sell which people would be excited to buy.

This has become my new mission. Let me tell you why this has become so important to me. It’s not just about helping others create financial abundance for themselves; which is extremely important; but there’s more.

It is about helping others with the very reason they were put on this earth.



And this is why you MUST be self-employed!