Passion to Profits: How to Start a Profitable Online Business That You Love by Ron - HTML preview

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Chapter 2

The Advantages of an Online Business

Here are some of the things starting an online business can do for you:

  • Share you passion, experience or talents with the world
  • Fulfill your purpose through your business
  • Make money while making a difference
  • Attract abundance doing something you love
  • Earn extra income
  • Have financial independence
  • Control your own destiny
  • Live the life of your dreams

If any of you have ever started; or thought about starting; an offline business, you know the risks as well as the investment it can require. In addition to running an online business I also own an offline business. (You can see details by visiting the ‘About’ page on my website).

Between start-up costs and first year expenses I sank about $60,000 into that business. I almost didn’t survive that first year plus it took me about 4 years to recoup that investment. Fortunately I had other income that allowed me to pay my bills. That was back in 2005.

If I would have known then what I know now I would have never started that venture.

With the changes in technology, there has never been a better time than now to start a business.

Here are some of the incredible advantages of starting an online business:

  • Reach a worldwide audience
  • Work from anywhere
  • Low investment
  • Little risk
  • Easy to use tech tools
  • Start part time
  • Unlimited potential

Keep in mind though, that just because there are a lot of advantages, does not mean that it will be easy to start and run a profitable business online. It is still going to take effort, focus and time. Plus you still need to follow sound business strategies and practices. That is what this guide is all about.