Profit Maximizing Handbook by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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Absorb Losses More Effectively


44. Offer unsalable/old items as freebies

Especially if you are in merchandising business, it is possible that some of the merchandise in your inventory will not get sold. This may be due to numerous reasons. In which case, you may amplify the sales of your other goods by offering the unsalable goods as freebies. For example, if you noticed that your stocks of computer tables are not getting sold, you may offer them as a freebie to any customer who will buy a laptop from you.

45. Sell products/services in bundles

This is a good strategy to use if you have some products that do not sell very well and some products that sell well. You may improve the sales of products that do not sell well by offering them in bundle with products that sell well. For example, if Product A is popular but Product B is not, you may include both products in the same package so that customers have no choice but to buy both. However, this should only be done if you are confident enough that one of the two products in the bundle is popular enough. Although a bundle of two products is common, some bundles may include three or more products. This is commonly done in groceries (e.g. a basket of different types of fruits).

46. Stock up on depreciable products in consignment basis only

Some products depreciate in value after a few months. Examples include mobile phones, laptops, and other technological products. For such products, it is not good to buy them from suppliers and keep them in your inventory. Once the market value of those products begins to depreciate, you will sustain massive losses. This is why you should only stock up on depreciable goods under consignment basis.

47. Stock up on seasonable products in consignment basis only

Seasonable products should also be acquired under consignment basis only. This is because a product that did not get sold during its season will stay in your inventory for long periods of time. You will sustain inventory storage costs.