Profit Maximizing Handbook by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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Using Perfect Timing To Maximize Sales


77. Sell items in trend

This is the reason why you always need to do market research. You need to know what is currently in trend. Trendy items/designs always sell better. If you are selling children's clothes for example, it may be a good idea to sell clothes with Avengers design during months when the movie is still popular.

78. Offer discounts when your competitors do

If you are planning to hold a sale (e.g. you have old items that you want to offer at a discount) you may want to wait until your competitors also hold a sale. This is to avoid the rush of customers to your competitors. Take note that if your competitor is offering a discount and you are not, you are likely to lose some customer.

79. Offer discounts and promos during pay day

People like to buy stuff after they received their monthly salary. You may want to take advantage of this. To attract your customers to spend more, it is a good idea to hold a sale during pay day.

80. Stock up on merchandise that sells during select seasons

Some products sell more during select months of the year. For example, hams sell more during Christmas and turkeys sell more during thanksgiving. Also, candies and chocolates sell more during Halloween. If one of your products is about to be in season, you may want to stock up on more.

81. Buy merchandise when the price is low

You should also use timing when buying merchandise. The perfect timing is to buy merchandise when the price is low. To do this, you may need to familiarize yourself with the fluctuations in prices.

Offer After-Sales Services More Effectively

82. Offer warranty

Customers want security on the products that they buy. This is especially true for expensive products. Make sure that the products that you sell come with a warranty.

83. Ask your supplier to shoulder the warranty cost

You do not want to shoulder the cost of warranty because it can be very costly. Therefore, you should have an agreement with your supplier that they should provide warranty services for the products that they supply to you.

84. Welcome inquiries from customers

Make sure that your customers can contact you after they made a purchase. They may have more questions about the product that they just bought. You may think that this is bothersome, but this actually gives you a chance to make new offers to old customers. When they call, make sure that you tell them about the new products that you have.

85. Hire people who will handle after-sales services

If applicable, you may want to have a dedicated group of people that handles after-sales services. Customers feel more at ease if you offer this kind of service. As a result, they will feel more secured buying from you. This is another good way to break the competition.