Profit Maximizing Handbook by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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Doing Store Presentation More Effectively


67. Sport an authentic layout

To look authentic, you website must be designed by a professional programmer. You want to avoid having a website that looks as though it is made by a student. You want something with flair and uniqueness. This will give customers the idea that you mean business.

68. Sport a suitable design and theme

Can you imagine a corporate and serious page design on an online store that sells baby toys and baby products? That would definitely look inappropriate. This is why it is important that the design and theme of your web page must be suitable to the market niche that you are in.

69. Use media content

Media materials such as graphics, pictures, video clips, slideshows, and sound clips may be used to make your website look more presentable in the eyes of your customers. Needless to say, your customers will have a better impression of your company if your website is advanced. You will likely get more sales.

70. Use only high quality media

The use of media content is a good idea. But if you use poor quality media content, the effect will be the opposite. To avoid having low quality media content, it is advisable that you order custom media content from online professionals. Outsourcing this task is the best way to go.

71. Avoid shabby-looking pages

It does not matter even if your home page is well-built and well-designed. If the other pages of your website look shabby, your customers will still get the idea that you are not intent on delivering good quality service.

72. Post only high quality articles

You can outsource this task to make sure that the articles you will post online are of good quality. But you still need to check the articles before you post them. If you discovered flaws, do not hesitate to return the articles and ask for a revision or a refund.

73. Post informative articles

Articles found on web stores are commonly laden with sales pitch. This is also good. However, you should not bombard your customers with pure sales pitch. Sometimes, what your customer need is information. So along with sales pitch articles, you should also post informative articles that tell your readers more about your products/services.

74. Sort items according to kind

This is especially useful if you are selling many different items. If you have 50+ or 100+ products, it can be quite challenging for your customers to find the product that they need. You can make things easier for them by categorizing your products according to kind. Take note that your customers may leave if they find your web store confusing.

75. Sport layout changes once in a while

You may notice that Google often changes the design of its name logo on its home page. As a result, users have come to anticipate a new design every time they open Google's main page. The same can be true for your website. Customers may just feel like checking your website more often if you are always sporting something new.

76. Make things simple

Some web stores focus too much on design. As a result, their web store ends up becoming complicated. This is something that you want to avoid. What is really important is that your web store should be easy to use. Make sure that your website is designed with everyone in mind.