Profit Maximizing Handbook by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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Upselling More Effectively


9. Offer something related to the product sold

This is the very essence of an upsell. The extra item offered must be related to the product bought by the customer. And because the item is related, it is likely that the customer will buy. For example, if the customer bought a desktop computer, it is likely that he will need a computer table as well. Because the computer table is something that the customer will need along with the laptop, it is highly likely that he will buy the computer table when offered.

10. Offer the extra item at a discount

To make the offered item more enticing, it is advisable that you offer it at a discount. So if the customer bought an item at 100% price, try offering the extra item at 10% discount. This way, making a successful upsell will be easier.

11. Explain why the item is important

As already discussed at great length, the extra item offered in an upsell is related to the main item. It is something that will improve the use of the main item. However, your customer may not always realize why the secondary item is important. In which case, it will help if your sales representative will explain how the secondary item is useful to the main item (e.g. explain how an antivirus program will improve the customer's experience with a laptop).

12. Offer the extra item as an option (not forcibly)

Some sales representatives go way overboard when offering a secondary product to the customer. Because of this, the customer sometimes gets the impression that they are being forced to make an additional purchase. This is not good. The customer may end up buying both the main item and the secondary item but because they felt that they have been forced into an additional purchase, it is likely that they will not return. Remember that an upsell attempts to improve customer service by offering a secondary product that will improve the customer's experience with the main product.

13. Make the option available even after a few days or weeks after the purchase

An upsell item if often offered at a discount. Sometimes however, it takes the customer a few days or a few weeks to realize that he/she needs the upsell item. Therefore, it will help if you tell the customer that he can still avail of the discounted item even after a few days or weeks. This way, the customer will not feel awkward coming back to you to avail the discounted upsell item.

14. Inform the customer of the free item's value

If the secondary item is offered at a discount, it becomes more enticing if the customer is aware of its value. This is because consumers feel that they are getting an advantage when buying a valuable item at a discounted price. Therefore, it is sometimes important that you tell the customer of the secondary item's actual value. Here is a sample sales pitch: "This headset is originally 100 USD, but because you bought a laptop, you can get it for only 80 USD."