Profit Maximizing Handbook by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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Cross-Selling More Effectively


15. Offer the product only after the deal has been finalized

Before you offer the customer to buy another product, make sure first that he already agreed to buy the first product. This will make it easier for you to explain why he/she (the customer) will need to buy the secondary product that you are offering.

16. Be persuasive without being pushy

To be persuasive means that you have the ability to make the customer feel that he/she really needs to buy the additional item that you are offering. Your customer will feel this way because you managed to make him/her realize the use and value of the secondary item that you are offering. Being pushy on the other hand is a different story. If you are pushy, customer satisfaction will drop. Also, your customer may no longer return to you.

17. Offer the extra item at a discount

In a cross-sell, the extra item that you will offer is not related to the primary product. But this should not stop you from offering a discount. A discount always makes the secondary offer more enticing to the customer.

18. Explain why the item is important

The secondary item may not be related to the primary product. However, you need to explain why it is useful. If you managed to make the customer realize its importance, he/she might just be persuaded to buy it. You should also expect that the customer will ask questions about the secondary product that you are offering. Show your expertise and knowledge of the item by answering every question. To do this, you will need to be familiar with the item that you are offering.

19. Make the option available even after a few days or weeks after the purchase

Just like in an upsell, the discount on the cross-sell item should also be made available to the customer even after a few days or a few weeks after the purchase of the primary item.

20. Include warrant on the cross-sell item

Customers sometimes get the idea that cross-sell items are old stocks. This is because cross-sell items are often offered at a discount. Therefore, you will need to make them feel that what you are offering is brand new. You can do this by telling them that the item comes with a warranty. Also, the packaging of the cross-sell item must suggest that it is indeed brand new.