Provocative Thoughts for Managers by Beppe Carrella - HTML preview

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Non basteranno più i simboli di allora
a garantire ancora questa longevità.

Non crederanno più ai vecchi giri di parole
a chi si spiega male, a chi si spiega male.

Perché ormai è caduto il muro con tutti i suoi palazzi e non sono così pazzi da ritirarlo su

(“Non sono stato io”, Daniele Silvestri)

the daily application of our own capacities, the constant increase. In our society with its increased orientation towards services, this means making the only true tool that can make us give birth to differences and which nature has given us: our brain. The only tool that if constantly trained, allows us not to concentrate all efforts on the retirement home what we will find forty years from now. The only tool that can take into consideration the main resource of every Company: the client.

Companies at the standard of a biological cycle are generated, grow and fortunately often get old. They get old as years go by, but they have the same need to remain updated if they are to win the challenge of the market. They must prove their character. Character influences our way of giving and receiving, our dreams and it leaves behind signs in our face.

Character is the result of the sum of values and objectives of a Company, but particularly by the capacity of attracting talents and consensus and to perform continuous renewals, generating the freshness that allows you to disorient competitors and catch adversaries unprepared. Freshness that passes from the brain of women and men that are part of the Company and that have a wish to feed it, through their availability of letting their own face serve the Company. Character and face to show, unique ingredients that can make a difference?

Let's not worry about things, let's take care of them.

One must really believe it and conquer credibility every day, every single moment of the day. And then it becomes easy: one does not have to prove anything, like a true champion who does not always prove to be so, but only to confirm it. You recognize it in his light movements, in the simplicity and coordinate way in which he performs complex activities, you see it in his face, in his expressions. And suddenly, everybody knows, without anybody saying so, you see it in his gestures and everyone around him has faith in him, they rely on him and are ready to bet on him. Can we then manage to show our clients our face, our lightness, our wish to make them part of this virtuous circle? We do not have to scream it, we only have to show our face, our character which is the result of a constant application through our "brain".