Rancid Tales by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Circus Sex

I was in the office on second shift doing some paperwork when a woman came into the office with a complaint.  She worked on the packing side of the line.  That area was seldom a problem compared to the other areas I had to deal with.

The woman was not really in any emotional distress over the situation as she told me about it.  Her complaint was that while she was working, a male coworker next to her had grabbed her on the butt and would not let go.  Then the guy asked her if she wanted to have circus sex.

This stunning proposal first made me ponder what "circus sex" was.  Would they dress up like clowns?  Would they swing on a trapeze?  Anyway, I had to take the matter seriously, so I did.

I brought the guy in separately.   He was not distressed either.  He readily admitted to doing it and I sent him home.  I wondered if he wanted to quit anyway and thought it was an opportunity to grab a woman.  I guess that was better than him coming into the office and sucker punching me in the face or something.  This must have been an interesting report for personnel to read the next day.