Rancid Tales by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Human Resource Consultants

At least a couple of times while working in the food industry over the years,  the company would send all of the supervisors to an outside venue at a motel conference room.  We were to get together and figure out what needed to be done to get better.

Usually, it ended up being a session to compile a list of grievances against upper management.  So naturally, nothing ever changed from the sessions as upper management was "already doing all they can."

Our parent Corporation bought out another large company that was failing.  The unit I worked at was put into a new division under the failing company.

Our new division had one of these meetings.   Because of the changes they had forced upon us, we started running so poorly that it seemed like they wanted us to go out of business.

That meeting is where we were introduced to the concept of signing off on a document that we would agree to do certain things that we were told to do.  That was an alien concept to us.  We always did what we were told anyway, and it seemed to question our integrity.  It was never explained to us why  we had to sign papers saying we would do what we already agreed to do.  We were insulted.  Some chose not to be a signatory to the agreement.  The Company held that against those who refused, and they were laid off with a year.


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