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I will never recommend this type of affiliate

marketing to any of my friend. Because, you never

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know what will happen next. You don’t have any

control over your business. If you consider affiliate

marketing as your full time job, then you must have

a control over your business.

In this model,

1. You don’t have any control over your


2. You only get the front end commissions.

3. You must spent money for traffic as long as

you need income from this method.

4. You will not have access to the customer you

directed to the sales page.

5. Offer may be withdrawn anytime, or payout

might be lowered.

6. Affiliate network might rip you off.

7. You competition will also try the same

advertising methods you use. That way the

amount spent on advertising might increase.

8. You can’t share the offer you are promoting

even to your friends.

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The number one flaw of affiliate marketing is the

customer doesn’t belong to you. When you make

an affiliate sale, you get a commission for your

efforts. The problem is this commission is all you

get. What you don’t get is the customer. He belongs

to the company that paid you the affiliate

commission. The companies will then go and sell

additional products to the customer and you won’t

see a dime of it--even though you were the one

who brought in the customer.

Real businesses are built on repeat customers

buying more and more stuff from you. How long do

you think you can stay in business by using a

business model that tells you to spend money on

advertising to get a customer for someone else?

The secret to making money online is that the big

money is not in the initial sales. The big money is in

the sales after the first sale. The problem for you as

an affiliate marketer is you only get paid on the first

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sale. Have you ever wondered why there are

affiliate programs that pay 100% commissions? It’s

because they’re making a killing on the backend,

which they don’t have to share with their affiliates.

The backend income is why successful affiliate

marketers eventually develop their own products

for affiliates to sell.

To be in business for years, you have to follow a

right affiliate marketing model. I follow the one


Consider you run a restaurant; can you survive in

business if only new customers come to your

restaurant and you don’t have any repeat

customers? Any business can’t survive only with

new customers. You will need your customers to

come back to you for more.

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So in any online business, how can you get your

customers come back when you have a new

product? It is by retaining their email addresses.

How is it possible? You must send them to a

squeeze page before directing them to the affiliate

offer page. First collect their email address and then

direct them to the offer page. This way you’ll get

the affiliate commissions and you can also promote

your future products to them. To direct a customer

to an affiliate offer, you will spend lot of work and

money. If you retain the customer you need not

spent the same amount of time and work the next

time you want to promote an offer.

Right Way of Affiliate Marketing:

1. Select an affiliate offer to promote.

2. Create an e-book to offer to your subscribers.

3. Create a squeeze page offering the free e-


4. Capture the emails of the visitors.

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5. Deploy and email auto responder to build relationship with your subscribers.

6. Recommend affiliate products to your


The main difference between this model and the hit

and run model is that you retain the customer in

this method. You can promote any number of offers

to them, as long as they remain as your subscriber.

Success Is In Your Email List

All the successful affiliate marketers have an email

list. You might have heard the term “the money is in

the list”. Yes, the money is in the list.

If you want to become a big affiliate marketer, you

absolutely need an email list. That is your customer

base. Without one,you’ll just be another hit and run

affiliate marketer working for peanuts. Stop

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building other people’s customer base and start

building your own.

My recommended email service is Aweber. I’ve been using them for years and they are by far the

best in the business.

Aweber offers a $1 trial account for all new customers. The account is just like a normal Aweber

account and includes unlimited email campaigns,

newsletters, broadcasts and follow ups. It’s a great

way to test drive Aweber to see what it can do for

you. Your satisfaction is guaranteed. If you find that

email marketing is not for you, contact Aweber

within 30 days and they’ll give you the $1 back.

How to Setup Your Squeeze Page

I used Leadpages to create stunning landing pages.

You can use it to create sales pages, email capturing

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pages and squeeze pages. It is very useful and a

must have tool for affiliate marketers. Aweber

works very easy with leadpages. It is just like a one

click integration to insert aweber form in leadpages.

The LeadPages interface makes it super easy to add

custom titles, headlines, copy, and video. The

system integrates with all major email marketing

providers, including Aweber. With LeadPages, I’ve

been able to create new landing pages pretty much

on the fly. This has allowed me to test and tweak

multiple landing pages to find the highest

converting one.

LeadPages and Aweber are two must-have tools for

all Internet marketers. Super easy to use and no

coding knowledge required. I wouldn’t have a

million dollar Internet business without them.

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Creating Your Own Info-Product

Info product can be anything like ebook, videos or

software. I can even sell the ebook you are reading

now. Creating and selling your own Information or

Virtual product is the most profitable business in

the world. Because you don’t have any cost of

operation in this business. You will only have the

cost of setup, once you setup thinks or create your

product and list them for sale, everything

afterwards is profit. Unlike physical products, you

need not spend anything to deliver your product.

For e.g. I need a web hosting server where I can

store my virtual products for the users to download.

I use Hostgator and Bluehost for my hosting needs. I pay the same price, doesn’t matter if it is 100

downloads or 100,000 downloads. Making your

own information product is the most profitable

business, but not everyone can succeed making

their own products.

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Most Popular bloggers do not create their own

products because of various reasons.

1. You must have a popular brand name to market

your product. Unless you have a 100,000+ size

email list or maximum advertising budget, it might

be tough for you to market your product yourself.

Otherwise you need affiliates to promote your

product. Popular internet marketers will already

have established connections with many affiliate

marketers. Hence they can easily market their


2. Initial cost of product creation is way high than

you would imagine. You need to setup a sales page,

sales videos, content writers; advertising and so

many other costs are associated with it. Further,

you just can’t sell only one product at a time. If you

do it that way, you will leave a lot of money on the

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table. You need a product in front, then an upsell

and may be another attracting offer at the end.

Creating multiple products is very essential to make

the maximum out of the traffic you receive from

your affiliates.

If you have the start-up funds and the branding

power, then creating your own information product

is the most profitable of the five business models. If

you enter into internet marketing, you must

eventually create a series of products that provide

value to your customers. This way you will also

elevate your brand name and also enjoy maximum

profits than any other business model.

To start down the information product super

highway, I highly recommend your first product be a

free eBook. You can either sell it for a small fee, or

give it away for free to build your email list. Down

the road, you can turn the eBook into a real book

with Amazon Create Space. The book will be the

start of your brand-building process.

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