You can skip the cost of creating your own
information product by licensing a business which is
already successful. This idea is just like a franchisee
for a business. You only need to spend the cost for
the license and the company will provide you the
essentials to succeed in the business. This way you
need not spend anything on the product creation,
further you will get marketing help and training so
that you will never lose in this model.
Unlike affiliate marketing, the customer belongs to
you. As long as the customer buys a product, you
will get a commission. Since you license the
business, you will get commission up to 90% on all
front end sales and 50% on back end sales.
If you have been in internet marketing, you might
already know how a brand name and quality
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products do sell in the internet. It is very easy to
succeed, following an already proven business.
With affiliate marketing, you only make a
commission on the front end sale. You get nothing
on the bigger backend sale. With a licensing
model, the customer is yours and you make money
whenever they buy something in the future.
One of the very successful licensing models out