Systemize Your Business by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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What Systemization Is

True systemization is more or less the opposite of what most people think it is. In reality, a truly systemized organization has a solid functioning procedure that knows what must be done, has a way to do it, and gets the job done. When a business is truly systemized, there is time to devote to other pastimes - in the case of an Internet business, making good use of that creativity that is so common to true entrepreneurs.

With a properly systemized company, the procedures make sense and always have a purpose. There is no room for empty actions that stir up a lot of dust but accomplish nothing. Within this framework, everyone knows what to do and when to do it. There are no endless meetings to contend with, no complicated policies to observe, and no time wasted spinning the wheels.

That is not to say that every process within a properly systemized company is fun. Few people find the tasks of calculating and paying taxes to be fun, for example. Still, the tasks, if organized properly, can be completed in a reasonable amount of time and leave the rest of the day to move on to something that is more interesting, such as earning new customers, working on a new product, or writing new sales copy.

The bottom line is that true systemization frees you, while a lack of properly systemized organization creates nothing but endless work and stifles you and your business until both are ready to give up.