Systemize Your Business by Rafael D' Jesus Ferreras Castillo - HTML preview

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Why You Should Systemize Your Business

Now that you understand that systemization is a good thing, let's explore just exactly how this approach to your online business is good. There are actually quite a number of benefits that come with creating an organized and systematic environment for your business. Here are some examples:

- You can measure your progress. Sure, money coming in is one measure. But what if you could also figure out how to measure how well things are coming with that next big ad campaign, or the development on a new ancillary product that will enhance your main product? If your business is organized, it is possible to do a quick check on these and other ongoing processes any time you like and get real time data on what is going on.

- Little things get done on time. Without some basic plan for each day, the little things that keep operations going can build up and eventually create a bottleneck. For example, if the posting on the Accounts Receivable and Payable are not being done on a regular schedule, you could find yourself with a lot of work to do when it comes time to cut paychecks to employees or calculate your taxes for the current period. An organized system helps to ensure you don't run in to situations where your back is to the wall and you have to drop other tasks in order to play catch-up.

- There is automatically time built in to work on business networking. If your business is systematic in its operations and functions, this means you can spend some time in networking activities that will help your business grow. You'll be able to devote an afternoon to submitting online ads, sending promotional emails, or even promoting your business locally at Chamber of Commerce events. Best of all, you can spend your time on these endeavors knowing that the company is moving right along without your direct attention for a few hours.

- You can take time off. After all, wasn't getting control of your time one of the reasons you wanted to set up an Internet business? If your business is systematically organized, you can take time off for your son's Little League game, or your daughter's dance recital. There is also the chance that you can even take several days off in order to take a short vacation if you like. Best of all, you can do this without getting any permission or approval from anyone else, and rest assured your business will continue to move forward in your absence.

At this juncture, it would be a good idea to take a moment and evaluate your own circumstances. Make a list of what it is you want to accomplish with your Internet business. Don't hold back anything, not matter how small, vague, or inconsequential it may seem. If one of the reasons you want your own online business is so you can play poker every Thursday night instead of working a part time job to make ends meet, put it down. Should your goals have to do with finally being able to afford a two week vacation every year without worrying about how much money you spend, add it to the list.

Once you have the list written, put it to one side and keep reading. We'll come back and address the list a little later and relate it to the process of systemization in ways you may not have considered up to this point.