Teacher's Guide to Making Extra Money Online by Hazel-Ann La Fortune - HTML preview

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A Special Note From Me to You


My name is Hazel-Ann La Fortune and I’m a secondary school teacher and single mom from the sunny Caribbean island of Trinidad. I’ve been quietly making an income online, and I want to teach you how you can do the same.


Allow me to tell you a little about why I got started online. I hope that my story will inspire you to get started.


I started teaching over 10 years ago and I love it. I enjoy mentoring and guiding young people, and helping them reach their academic and life goals. To me, that’s the best part of teaching: knowing I am making a difference in a child’s life. My own life has been influenced greatly by some great teachers, so doing my best for my students is one way I am paying it forward. Bottom line is that I don’t intend to leave teaching. I really can’t see myself doing anything else. Perhaps you can relate?


There’s a problem though. It’s my salary. It’s a long story which only my colleagues in the same situation will understand. Suffice it to say, because of (deliberate?) governmental oversight, many teachers in my country, including me, have not been upgraded to Graduate Teacher status despite having all the necessary qualifications and experience. Some of us have completed Masters Degrees and are still being paid as Assistant Teachers! The difference in salary between Assistant and Graduate Teacher is upwards of $2000.


It’s depressing, demotivating and demoralizing to not receive a fair income even though I’m doing the same job as other teachers. When I look at my monthly bills and compare them to my salary, I have often broken down in tears.


I’m also a single mother so it’s up to me to run my household. My daughters depend on me to provide for them, and if you don’t know it already, raising kids is expensive! What with school, and dance and golf and music lessons, it became a challenge ( euphemism) to keep it together financially and emotionally.


I got angry a lot, cursed my fate and cried. That didn’t help. I soon realized that I needed to find another source of income.


I never thought of leaving the teaching profession. As I said before, I love it. Added to that, teaching has some perks that I know I won’t get with any other job. The hours are good, I get weekends off, and I’m home too when my kids are off during vacation periods. Added to that, banks and other financial institutions look favourably on teachers, so it’s pretty easy to qualify for loans and a mortgage. Plus, I certainly don’t want to walk away and lose my pension benefits!


I contemplated getting a part time job in a supermarket, but that wouldn’t work. It would mean finding a babysitter for my kids, and what would be the point? I’d have to pay most of the extra money I made to the babysitter, which would leave me right where I started off.


I realized that anything I decided to do had to be done via the computer. That way, I could work and be at home with my kids at the same time.


So I set out to learn everything I could about making money online, and quickly became overwhelmed.


If you ever ventured to start a business online, you quickly realize that most people, the self-proclaimed ‘gurus’ included, are out to fleece you for every cent they can get. What’s worse, their methods often don’t work, despite the claims they make in their pricey ebooks and courses.


After much trial and error, and burning cash I couldn’t afford on many of their ‘fool proof’ methods, I finally started making money. Not a whole lot at first, but enough to pay some outstanding bills.


How did I do it?


By taking what made sense and what worked from the courses I bought and combining it with some good ole-fashioned common sense.


If you want to succeed in making extra money online, you need to do the same. Find a good course or guide and follow through. Don’t fall into the ‘shiny object syndrome’ where you buy every new product that comes out. Focus on one method and stick with it until you master it. Then scale it up to maximize your profits. Only then should you move on to something else.


Making money online is not a secret nor is there any magic pill. It just takes a good strategy and dedication to making that strategy work. That’s my aim with these guides. I want to offer you – my colleagues – a hype-free guide to making money online. In other words, I promise to walk you through each strategy step by step without the outrageous and scammy claims of other internet marketing products. I will show you everything you need to know in a familiar format (lesson plans.) and in simple language. Your job is to execute what you learned. Aren’t we all advocates of ‘learning by doing’ after all?


With that in mind, I’m extending a special invitation to you to join me on my Facebook page. It’s called Supplement My Teacher Salary. I’ll be sharing different methods of making extra money online. My fans get first dibs on all the free training and front-line access to special deals on my paid products and events. You’ll also receive an invitation

to my soon-to-be-launched Private Mastermind group.


If this sounds like training you could benefit from, please Like my page on Facebook.


Click here to Like My Page. 




 Would you like to be one of my selected coaching students? I offer one-on-one private coaching on Facebook Marketing to a select few persons FREE OF CHARGE .


 Most successful persons would tell you that a major factor in their success was having the right mentor or coach. I did not have one when I was just starting out, because you know that private coaches cost in the thousands! Because I could not afford that large expense at the time, I struggled for a long time to get anywhere.


 Because I know how it is to struggle online when you’re just starting out, I want to help you avoid the same struggle. This free coaching program is my way of doing that. My only requirement is that you be dedicated to learning, no excuses.


 I walk with you step by step to making your first dollar online. I’m totally dedicated to my students, so if I select you, you can be assured that I’ll be there with you, 100%.


 If you want to be considered for this exclusive opportunity, apply here.

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