The Art of Delegation: Growing Your Business With a Virtual Assistant by Admin Slayer - HTML preview

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Why We Do What We Do


Running a business should be on top of all those other practical things you already know fun.

No, really. We think you should be having a good time, because people who enjoy the work they do not only survive, but thrive.

It’s important that your business is successful, and it’s not only important to you. If your business thrives, so does your family as you know. But others benefit from it as well. Small businesses in Canada employ 48.3% of Canada’s workforce, so your community thrives when you do. Small businesses created more than 40% of our private sector GDP1. That’s cash into our economy. Our nation thrives when you do. We want you to succeed for selfish reasons.

A journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, and a powerful economy starts with successful small businesses. When your business succeeds, we all succeed.

You probably weren’t thinking about that when you started your business. You may have been thinking about freeing yourself from the tyranny of a “regular” job. You may have been thinking about finding a place and space that fits the life you have and the person that you are. You may have been thinking that this thing, this amazing idea you have and that thing you do, is exactly what you’ve always wanted to do. It’s what you’ve been building up to your whole. damn. life.

We really want you to do that thing.

What we don’t want you doing is the other things: the stuff. The tasks in your business that never really get you jacked. The ones that maybe, just sometimes, make you want to light small fires on your desk, and maybe take a baseball bat to a printer.

You know those mornings when it’s tough to get out of bed? Those hard days yes, we know about those days when you look at the task list, the piles of paper, those emails and forms and invoices (and lions, and tigers, and bears, oh my!), and you want to shut the whole ship down and just crawl back into bed…

It’s okay to admit that you just don’t enjoy the administrative side of business and may not even be particularly good at it. They’re not a great use of your time.

Every hour, every minute, that you spend on following up with customers, researching and setting up software programs, organizing, data, balancing the books, not to mention all that et cetera those are hours when you are away from your thing. Those are minutes when you are not doing what you were meant to do, using the talents that move your business forward, creating revenues and building empires.

No small dreams, right?

You’d like to get help. You know you need it, and you may even crave it. But funds are tight, you don’t know where to start, and you have concerns about making a commitment to a worker that you may not be able keep. On top of that, you can’t imagine where you would get the time or even the knowledge to train someone on something you’re frankly not great at. Providing guidance and direction while building and growing your business is… simply exhausting.

We get that. Boy, do we ever get that.

We created Admin Slayer not because we were all great administrators (well, one of us is!). We created it because we need Slayers to run our businesses, so we can allocate the time to the stuff we’re good at. We built a team of intuitive, experienced, capable individuals people we refer to as fully-formed adults. People who LOVE and are AMAZING at all the stuff we suck at.

We know that there are small businesses that do not thrive, and it’s not because they don’t have an amazing thing they do. Some of them are just lacking the support that they need to move ahead, and the tools to build the team they need. Maybe they’re lacking the money and skills to build a team of experts, and have settled for amateurs (who always prove to be more expensive in the long run), or worse yet, settled for no help at all.

We also know that there are amazing professionals out there who have all the expertise that every business needs. We know that they deserve to work on the the tasks that get them jazzed, that they deserve respect and great pay. We know that many of them are underemployed because life threw them curveballs, like small children, or aging parents, or a partner’s career that took them into the hinterlands. Or maybe they just really, really hate pants.

Admin Slayer brings these two amazing groups of people together. Administrative professionals thrive. Businesses and their owners succeed. And everybody wins.

Admin Slayer is our love letter to these two amazing groups of people.

This eBook The Art of Delegation: Slaying Your Business With a Virtual Assistant is just one sentence in that love letter, and another tool for your utility belt. (Why a utility belt? Because superheroes need their hands free.)

You go do what you do best. We’ve got this.

The Admin Slayer Founders,

Shannon, Krysten, and Julia

