The Art of Delegation: Growing Your Business With a Virtual Assistant by Admin Slayer - HTML preview

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About Admin Slayer


Admin Slayer is a virtual business services team made up of contractors from all over Canada. We specialize in matching top-notch experts with the small and medium-sized businesses that so desperately need them, and work with those teams to create success.

We pride ourselves on facilitating meaningful, well-paid work to ridiculously overqualified professionals while affording them the flexibility to work from home or wherever else they are happiest and most productive.

Slayers often have specialized backgrounds, from accounting and finance to event planning, graphic design, publishing, technology, and much more. They often come from traditional office environments and have a deep understanding of the types of businesses Admin Slayer loves to serve.

It’s an unfortunate reality that administrative and business service professionals the people best suited to supporting the growth of entrepreneurs often struggle with voicing their own needs. They frequently end up in situations where they aren’t appreciated or compensated in a manner that lines up with the incredible value that they provide. These are the people who make everything work!

At Admin Slayer, it’s our responsibility and privilege to give Slayers the work environment they so deeply require, to provide the compensation, appreciation, and opportunities for growth that they so richly deserve.

At the same time, we just get giddy about business owners. We know that, without small businesses, innovation doesn’t happen. Jobs don’t happen. Economic growth doesn’t occur. We know and love you as the creators of all that is awesome. We like to think that we’re just like you.

Thanks to our commitment to Slayers and our commitment to entrepreneurs, you know that you will get excellent service from people who truly love what they do, and are well-supported able to do their very best.

Now get out there and make something amazing. We’ll be here, holding down the fort, pushing you forward, and cheering you on.


How does one describe Shannon? Is ‘militant’ too extreme a word?

Simply put, Shannon is a butt-kicking, schedule-sticking, box-ticking MASTER of getting things done. She eats colour-coded, prioritized task lists for breakfast. If Shannon were a (non-human) animal, she would be a bunny-eagle-shark, which of course is a mythical beast that is both sweet and lovable while simultaneously spotting typos at 100 yards, and going into a feeding frenzy at the slightest hint of inefficiency.

As Chief Slayer, Shannon is the authority on…well, pretty much everything related to business administration. When it comes to business success and quality control, the buck stops with this lady. Entrepreneurs love her because she is diligent and accountable to a fault. Slayers love her because she runs a tight, supportive, respectful ship, while recognizing the individual talents each brings.


Krysten’s hobbies include staying up too late, geeking out on the internet, and writing creative biographies for her colleagues (yeah, she came up with the bunny-eagle-shark analogy). While Krysten often uses ¯\_()_/¯ to describe her role at Admin Slayer, the reality is that we simply cannot do without our tiny Marketing Ninja Warrior.

Through the analysis of all the data, human behaviour, activity, social media and the Internet of Everything, she creates strategies and systems that work. Krysten sources that software program you didn’t know you needed and now can’t live without, teaches everyone how to use it in the best way to increase revenue, later retiring with a case of cranberry club soda and a few hours of cat videos.


Julia is a legit financial professional with all the official credentials you could ask for and then some. She can calculate the future value of anything in her sleep, except that we’re pretty sure she doesn’t actually sleep. Julia has never met a financial analysis she couldn’t whip into shape, a strategy she couldn’t optimize, or a team she couldn’t lead. She once went out for groceries and accidentally started 3 businesses.

Julia writes for several publications, including West, Gazette, and PowHerHouse magazines. She is often quoted by BBC Capital, the Globe & Mail, and MoneySense magazine as a subject matter expert. All of which is to say: she really knows her s***. Finally, as Admin Slayer’s token extrovert, Julia does all the talking.