The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


It is important to understand the concept of the pressure phase of entrepreneurship. It is often not a onetime event but in some cases can be a recurrent event in the entrepreneurial journey.

There will be times when you will say to yourself, ‘I CAN’T DO THIS ANYMORE’ or may question if you are doing the right thing or even made the right decision to commence your entrepreneurial journey.

The truth is no matter what questions you may have asked yourself or will ask yourself, this comes with the entrepreneurship terrain and the pressure phase is the defining moment and what separates the ‘men’ from the ‘boys’.

As an entrepreneur, you will face pressures from your business, society and family. These pressures can lead the entrepreneur to a breaking point of giving up his entrepreneurial dreams and should never be underestimated. Therefore, remaining calm and carefully seeking out ways to effectively manage each of these pressures will help lead the entrepreneur to desired outcomes.

A lot of things demand your attention as you decide to embark on your entrepreneurial journey. In order to lead a well-rounded successful life in your business, you must do your best to meet the demands of these needed attentions.

You will agree with me that well-rounded success does not mean a successful business and a poor relationship with your staff, your significant other, your customers or even your family.

You may not be able to perform at your best in your entrepreneurial journey if one or all of these relationships suffer.

These relationships are basically tied to your success or failure in your entrepreneurial journey since they directly deal with your daily emotional state, which has to be balanced enough to enable you be at your best.

Understanding this fact early enough in your entrepreneurial journey will help put you in a position of selflessness. This simple understanding eliminates a degree of fear or pressure that may arise when these relationship begin demanding audience from you. You should be very mindful of the role of fear and what it may do to you when you come to the pressure phase.

Also understand that you may experience fear but most important is that you cannot afford to give in to fear.

To the measure of quest or responsibility you have chosen to pursue in your entrepreneurial journey, you have subconsciously been given the capacity to weather any pressure that may come your way.

Think about that and understand that you have within you a wealth of patience, skills, passion, time, knowledge to handle any pressure that may come to you in your entrepreneurial journey.

To help you understand with more clarity, I will recap on major things you need to help you get past the pressure phase:

  1. Remain calm
  2. Understand ahead of time that relationships that seek your attention are what you may call the ‘necessary evils’
  3. Never entertain fear
  4. Seek to dig deep within you and draw from your wealth of patience, tolerance, skills, knowledge, time, passion, to help you deal with the pressure phase.