The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 6


The ‘can-do’ attitude is the belief that you can do all things. Believing you can do all things and can face all challenges is a very fantastic first step, which others even lack but it is never enough to believe you can. Developing the can-do attitude has everything to do with the elimination of every form of fear and doubts. In Philippians 4:13 of the bible, it says that, ‘I CAN DO ALL THINGS THROUGH CHRIST THAT STRENGTHENS ME’. The essence of this reference is to emphasize that there is an extension of your strength in an invisible and supernatural power that is well beyond what you can see.

Now, acceptance of this revelation eliminates a high degree of fear or worry over any fear situation or circumstance that make you retreat from your can-do attitude. You are a god force and you have within you enormous and tremendous amount of energy to do all things.

However, it is worthy of note that your confessions will determine your can-do attitude levels.

The words of Henry Ford prove true here when he says that ‘whether you think you can or you can’t, either way, you are right’.

The leads us to our next point on the importance of positive confessions in the course of your entrepreneurial journey.

You forge your castles by your words!

Daily positive affirmations to yourself with words that nurture your can-do attitude will do your entrepreneurial journey a world of good and will help put you eventually in a state of positive self-awareness of your inner strength that unleashes every form of skills, self-confidence, creativities and the helps you require to do all things, face all challenges and win in all things.

Ever wondered how we now fly airplanes today or enjoy the electric bulbs today?

I bet you that in as much as I do not know on a personal level the inventors of the airplanes or the electric bulb or have a clue of the kind environment where they had lived, I can categorically let you know that they had within them a well nurtured can-do attitude that helped them transcend from seemingly difficult situations and problems into new realms of possibilities by reaffirming they can do it even after several failures.

Seek the right associations to help nurture your can-do attitude. Steer clear of associations that corrode or erode your can-do attitude.

Remember it always seems impossible until it is done, so you can do all things. Learn to draw from the pool of strength of the invisible power of Christ.

Look beyond your present weaknesses or any limiting circumstance and learn to nurture your can-do attitude through daily positive affirmations and by getting involved in the right associations that help grow your can-do attitude.