The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 9


Just like nations with their sufficient internal resources still seek allies from other nations to function effectively and efficiently, so should you as an entrepreneur, seek out the right allies to support your entrepreneurial journey in order to function effectively and efficiently.

Your entrepreneurial dreams and visions will determine the right kind of allies you must seek and the right kind of motivation you require to succeed in your chosen field.

Strategic alliances and partnerships are very important in the life of every entrepreneur because there is mutual benefits and in situations where the alliances involves more than two parties, you have the privilege of tapping a wealth of wisdom, strengths and insights from varying fields and expertise to help you perform effectively and efficiently.

This is the fellowship that helps protect your entrepreneurial quest and its importance cannot be overemphasized.

The United States of America, I strongly believe may not be able to pride and parade itself as the world’s war power if not for its strategic alliances with other powerful nations of the world. If it were to stand alone, the opposite may likely be the case.

The same could be said of China, which prides itself as the world’s economic power. These nations understand the importance of strategic alliances and partnerships to help them perform at their best and achieve their prime goals.

Remove strategic business partnerships, strategic supply chain partnerships, strategic distribution partnerships and alliances from some companies and businesses and you find out that a lot of businesses that pride themselves as number one will be nowhere existing.

I encourage entrepreneurs everywhere to nurture the right strategic partnerships, relationships, alliances and fellowships that help bring out the best in them as entrepreneurs and help them in their entrepreneurial journey to achieve their goals.

It is worthy to note that the right alliances will never turn their backs on you in difficult times in your entrepreneurial journey but will make your concern their concern and will give their best to help you stand again even if you had fallen.

While on your entrepreneurial journey, you will be tasty of motivation when faced with the scorching heat of challenges and negative circumstances. You therefore, need a reservoir of motivational words to reaffirm courage and success and to eliminate fear from your system.

One of my favorite quotes by Zig Ziegler best explains this thought. He said, “People say that motivation does not last, well neither does bathing and that is why it is recommended daily”.

This comes true in the life of the entrepreneur and his daily challenges.

The entrepreneur needs a daily dose of motivational words to keep him steadied on his dreams and visions without which he begins to consider easy compromise just to get by when faced with the scorching heat of entrepreneurial challenges.

A list of motivational thoughts from successful and established entrepreneurs who have towed this terrain and come out tops have been compiled in this book.

I encourage you to take one daily. Daily overdose of two or three extra is also encouraged.