The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 8


A very recent commercial of the Mercedes Benz Company caught my attention. This commercial read like this, ‘JACK OF ALL TRADE, MASTER OF ALL’.

This was very interesting to me as I tried to relate it to the life of an entrepreneur and his unending quest to achieve greatness in all his endeavors and I found a match.

The entrepreneur who is a true adventurer is always seeking out new opportunities and information and is always keen to try them out.

Just like the Mercedes Benz brand that is a master in all kinds of automobiles, successful entrepreneurs like Brian Tracy and Jack Canfield have proven themselves as adventurers to succeed and become masters in the different fields of their entrepreneurial endeavors.

This is to let you know that the entrepreneur need not be limited in a particular field.

The simple reason for this is that the entrepreneur as an adventurer is never a monument but a movement. You never know how much that is deposited in you until you make a conscious effort to break into new grounds, extending your boundaries to face new challenges and embracing new opportunities with open arms.

Andre Gide said, “You will never discover new lands until you are ready to lose sight of the shores”.

Have you ever wondered what the world will look like without space travels or satellite launches, voyages by the ancient westerners into Africa and Asia to discover new lands to spread civilization?

One of my favorite quotes, ‘the magic happens outside your comfort zone’, best explains this truth.

When you are in a particular area or field or economy, you never know your potential to survive, make a positive impact, unleash your dormant creativities and initiatives until you venture into new and unknown grounds and that is where the ‘magic’ happens and then you find yourself saying in total amazement, ‘I never knew I could do that’, or ‘did I just do that?’

Therefore in the face of the ever growing competitive landscape and declining resources, you need as an entrepreneur to keep pushing your entrepreneurial boundaries, unleashing your creativities in order to help you keep generating new resources to make you remain relevant at all times.

As much as possible, learn to eliminate in all totality the feeling of ‘I have arrived’ mentality. This is the feeling that all things have been done and nothing more can be done and no one can overtake me.

This is the point the next person you may consider ‘insignificant’ will unseat you in a matter of seconds and you may end up doing ‘catch-up’ for the rest of your entrepreneurial journey.

Never think nothing more can be done. It is important to always remind yourself that this is not your best and to continue digging deep with a conscious effort to unleash new creativities to help you stay ahead and conquer new grounds.