The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 11


Never sacrifice your passion and dreams just to put a smile on someone else’s face; you will be doing yourself a world of displeasure.

These are my words to a friend who shared with me about her passion and dreams. I told her. “Follow your dreams and passion, it will clothe you and put food on your table”.

These words are just a tip of the iceberg of what following your dreams and passions to realize them can do for you. It will take you to places you never imagined and open new doors of endless possibilities you never knew every existed.

I like to describe dreams and passions as new worlds given to every entrepreneur in the spirit realm and with a unique key to unlock them into reality through persistent and conscious efforts to create those new worlds.

It is never a mistake that you as an entrepreneur has been given a dream and passion because the new worlds you are expected to birth has been destined to sustain lives and birth yet new worlds.

Once you have this truth settled in your subconscious, it is therefore important to begin eliminating fear and start taking a confident approach towards birthing and realizing your dreams and passion for which you are pregnant.

If you had the luxury of time to sit to think that your dreams are too big to be realized, please do yourself some good by extending your luxury time to think about young Bill Gates whose dream was to put the computer device in every home in the world or the two brothers who were crazy enough to think they could get heavy metals to fly on air thereby inventing the airplane, which you and I enjoy today.

The unlocking of these new worlds through the birthing of their great dreams has sustained new worlds and is creating rooms for yet new worlds of innovations to be birthed.

Your dreams and passion are never too big to be realized; you have all it takes!

Never undermine the ‘smooth talks’ that has the sole purpose of swaying you from your dreams and passion.

If you really think that the inventors of the computer device and the airplane, which you and I enjoy today were not ‘smooth talked’ into swaying from their dreams, then you are largely mistaken.

The simple difference between them and those who swayed as a result of ‘smooth and cheap talk’ is sheer self-assurance, belief and persistence in the direction of the realization of their dreams.

They also faced seemingly difficult challenges and negative circumstances but they chose to stay just a little bit longer on it. That ‘little bit longer’ is all that is needed. That extra patience is what has made a whole difference in our lives in the world today.

I encourage you to never give up on your entrepreneurial dreams and passion. Stay just a little bit longer and you will be glad you did!