The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 12


When my sister graduated from her university studies and was looking to find a job, I called her one day and asked her what she intends to do since it took rather too long to find a job. I asked her if she had considered doing a business. She said yes but because there is no money she cannot do any business.

I asked her if money was really the issue why she cannot do anything. She stopped and in an angry tone asked what I meant by that. I then asked her how much she really needed and what type of business she wants to do and if she had any business idea she was nursing. My question was followed by a long silence, which suggested that she truly did not have any business idea she was nursing and money was not really the problem.

I gave this story to bring home the fact that money is never really the problem in your breaking forth into your entrepreneurial journey.

A business idea is what proceeds all in your entrepreneurial journey and until a clear idea have been established as your focus, you will never really break forth into your entrepreneurial journey.

When there is no money, the first thing you must do is to look inwards. What do you have and what can you offer in the form of a service? What skills do you possess?

Never make the mistake of sitting down to bemoan your lack of money because you do not have the luxury of time for it.

You are literally a walking asset or better put, you are a walking bank, so learn to reach deep enough and draw from the pool of your inner and dormant resources to find money to meet the needs as demanded by your entrepreneurial journey.

I happen to be a fan of the Chelsea football club and the life of the present owner of the club, Roman Abramovic, who is one of the world’s wealthiest persons, really fascinates me. I dedicated time to study his early beginning and was made to understand through articles I read that he was as poor as the word sounds.

He also did not have any support from either family or friends when he started hawking products to find money to feed himself.

The most striking attribute of Roman Abramovic is that he did not let lack of money deter him from reaching his dreams or breaking forth into his entrepreneurial journey.

He understood the fact that he is a walking bank and learnt to reach deep enough to draw from the pool of his inner and dormant resources to find money he required to break forth into his entrepreneurial journey.

The result of this is who we now recognize as one of the world’s wealthiest persons.

If you are opportuned to have money available to commence your entrepreneurial journey, congratulations to you but it is important to first establish a very viable business idea to invest your resources into. On the other hand, if you do not have money available to commence your entrepreneurial journey, you have to accept the truth that you have all it takes to create it and make it come to you.