The Can Do Entrepreneur by Chibuike Wogu - HTML preview

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Chapter 14


As there are very reasonable doubts that a thing will never happen so there will be very reasonable doubts why you will never break forth into your entrepreneurial journey or make a head way at it.

Your ability to believe beyond these reasonable doubts is what will set you on the path to eventually achieving your entrepreneurial dreams.

The list of these reasonable doubts can go endlessly and they may include:

  1. You do not have enough education
  2. You do not have enough money
  3. You are too young
  4. You are too old
  5. You do not have hands and legs
  6. You are blind
  7. You were an ex-convict
  8. You do not have any support from anybody
  9. The economic situation of your country does not support entrepreneurs.
  10. You are dumb.

No matter the category of these reasonable doubts that are holding you back, I have an interesting news for you that there are people who have found themselves in one or more of the listed reasonable doubts but are one of the names to be reckoned with in the world today for their outstanding achievements in their lives and in business.

The most striking of them is my hero Pastor Nick Vujicic. I cried the first time I saw him on television but the fascinating news about him is that he does not need my sympathy or pity. Without hands or legs, this sensational guy has achieved a lot with himself and is very happy with life. He has learnt to believe beyond the reasonable doubts of his disabilities and he is one of the names to be reckoned with in the world today.

Other names I encourage you to study about include; CobhamsAsuquo, Stevie Wonder, Akon, Roman Abramovic, Brian Tracy, Oprah Winfrey and so many other notable people.

The truth is that your disabilities, weaknesses do not define who you are or who you want to become.

You do the definition with your mind!

The rich get richer, the poor get poorer it’s all about their mindsets!

I want you to understand this revelation that you do not lose anything by believing you are a success and by making conscious efforts to see it become reality, rather you stand the chance to gain everything.

The world’s wealthiest persons did not have it all rosy when they started their entrepreneurial journey. At some point in their lives and entrepreneurial journey, they had to face varying limiting circumstances. If they had let those limiting circumstances or situations come in between them and their entrepreneurial dreams, I bet you they will never be anywhere near to where they are today.

Learn to believe so much and long enough in the realization of your entrepreneurial dreams until it has no other option than to show up and manifest itself!