The Internet Ideology - From A as in Advertising to Z as in Zipcar by Massimo Moruzzi - HTML preview

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What kind of a "revolution" remains possible in a country in which the progressives either decide they want to live in a hippie commune to experiment with drugs and sex (see: Hippies and: LSD) or are physically eliminated (see: Bob)?

On the one hand, a personal revolution: Yoga, Buddhism, meditation, good food and wine.

On the other hand, a technological revolution and a market revolution. Who champions this revolution? Wired and the American Right.

John Battelle wanted Wired to become hip – a Rolling Stone for the digital age. [1]

Kevin Kelly is absolutely sure that the invisible hand of the market and Darwinian evolution are one and the same. [2]

The Progress and Freedom Foundation is adamantly certain: Technological progress will wipe away monopolies and will result in increased competition. [3]

Unfortunately, the opposite is true. The digital revolution has created an incredible concentration of power and wealth.

[1] Greenwald, Ted. Step Behind the Scenes of the Frantic, Madcap Birth of Wired.
[2] Barbrook, Richard and Andy Cameron. The Californian Ideology.
[3] Progress and Freedom Foundation. Cyberspace and the American Dream: A Magna Carta for the Knowledge Age.