The Wrong Focus can be the Death of Your Business! by Christyna Wydenes - HTML preview

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The school education doesn't matter, in fact, very often the most successful business persons are the one without any reasonable education!










I will tell you about the formula, but first you need to know the “BS” that's for sale. The internet is filled with information like this:........

How to do business!
How to build an internet business!
How to build your website! (and pull $4500 out of your pocket)
How to hook up with affiliates!
How to become a millionaire in e-books!
How to purchase you business kit and become rich!
How to hook up with e-bay and rake in the dollars!
How to blast your email!
How to create a massive traffic!

As you can see for yourself I can go on for a long time with all kinds of information YOU need to know in order to become that famous millionaire!


Let's go back to the above list and start with #1


Q: How to do business?


A: NOT by collecting all kinds of information from all different directions, follow one method and have a burning desire and set your self up for success!


Q: How to build an internet business?

A: Focus on marketing, build a relationship, do NOT over power your business, again build first a relationship, find out about the person/company and very slowly go from there.

Q: How to hook up with affiliates?

A: Let's first explain what affiliates are, I'm sure many of you have no idea what that is. Affiliate Marketing is an Internet-based marketing practice in which a business rewards one or more affiliates for each visitor or customer brought about by the affiliate's marketing...

In order to be part of this it is very important that you find out about their game rules, what is allowed and what is NOT allowed. Yes, you can make good money with it. Click bank is by example an excellent processor.

Q: How to become a millionaire in e-books!

A: It is NOT that easy to become a millionaire, however it is a challenge to become financially comfortable and don't need to live from pay check to pay check. E-books are a wonderful way to start because it is a one time thing, everything get's done on the computer. NO shipping, NO S/H cost, NO inventory, your customer can download the ebook from their computer as many times as they want as long as they pay for it. Q: How to purchase your business kit and get rich?

A: Again, the only one that is cashing in the money is the one that assembles the kit and nobody else. Many companies advertise with e-bay kits, don't you ever fall for it, they don't tell you the secrets you need to know in order to become success full on e-bay, I will tell you later about this, because all the basics are on the e-bay site and you can go from there.

Q: How to blast your email?

A: RED FLAG!! Buying an email list is very tricky for reason many times you buy a list that exist of rejecting emails, that means 70 % of the emails are coming back in your box, so you create here a black email list, you don't want that!
Down loading a free email list from the internet is exactly the same, 70 % get's returned!!

If you would like to buy an email list make sure that all the emails are filtered, so you end up with the good ones, VERY IMPORTANT!


Q: How to create your traffic?

A: This is the most difficult part in internet marketing. Hook up with a very solid network group and get your name and face out. AGAIN, DO NOT OVER POWER YOUR BUSINESS.

Find out about each other first and slowly go from there. There are FR>EE classified ad sites, write your ad and all you do is copy and paste, you can do 100 in an hour or more, you spend three hours a day, 7 days a week that adds up to 2100 a week. You are well on your way if you commit yourself to that.

Stick to one method, believe me the more information you collect, the more confusing it's going to be. It's like planting trees in your back yard. If you plant too many trees in a small space, the trees will overlap each other and you have NO way to see each tree individual.

This is exactly how it is in business . The final piece of the puzzle is follow up. How can you follow up if you have so many trees to take care of and all piled up?

With other words so many information you have collected over time, left and right, you have no idea where to start, or what is better than the other one, or probably in all likely hood you does not even know anymore what it all says.



Let's have a look at your spam email that get's you very easy off track. It is not supposed to end up in your box however somehow they do and the temptation is darn big to click on one of them, They look so real and so honest and so help full!
You click on one of them because the message says:


You get all excited, print out all the information, and find out that they send you from one page to an other page and from one great adventure to an other great adventure and convince you that you NEED to purchase several products in order to make step # 1 successful and you are very convinced that this is “THE” solution to all your problems. Finally your dream is coming through and you can tell your husband not long from now that he can leave his job, retire and enjoy life. You also realize that they took in a very short time frame many hundreds of dollars out of you pocket.

You download everything and start reading all the material you just received. Reality kicks in pretty soon and you feel all of the sudden very bad for yourself, because you DON”T understand the language and have NO idea how to put the puzzle together, on top of it you totally overlook one little note: “SUCESS DEPENDS ON YOU!”

You remember what I wrote you some pages before, about the house, the nails and the cement, that's right, here you are in the same situation, wring your hands and have NO idea how to build your house.

And simply got side tracked!!

You recovered from your disappointment and your loss of so many dollars and the next day fresh and very positive you sit down behind the computer and just quick check the email to see if one of your family members left you a sweet message.


You can't resist this, yesterday you printed out all you need to know about “Potential Income Internet Business” and this is someone that reveals the “HOW TO'S”, this is the answer to the left over questions. Yes you do figure that you have to purchase a couple of more things in order to succeed in this program but oh well, not a big problem you crab an other credit card, why not!!

This is the most exciting discovery in your entire life.


You pump up your self and just add on to the huge pile of more information and you are good to go from now on.

