The Wrong Focus can be the Death of Your Business! by Christyna Wydenes - HTML preview

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The next morning you prepare your self a list from what has to be done that day and of course the biggest part will be finding out where to start with all the material you printed out. Pretty soon you noticed that both chapters completely contradict themselves and slowly but for sure you feel the ground sinking away underneath you. As strong as you promised yourself to be, you do NOT give in on this feeling.

You are very convinced that this is “THE” best and there is seriously NO limit to the creative ways you can combine a stream of income over night and sitting on the beach, doing nothing, than just watch your bank account growing!

So, you come to realize through your experience that what we do in life has EVERYTHING to do with the way we think, rather than it having to do with your circumstances.

Unfortunately, often we blame our circumstances for what we do as well the results for all our efforts. Of course this is un exceptable, we can not let our circumstances tell us how to live.


Our “thinking program” happens automatically throughout our life. A wonderful thing is that we can reset our “THINKING PROGRAMMING”


You can replace your theories that you have developed from your experiences with new theories you can choose.



To make a long story short, if you believe in collecting a boatload of information about “ “how to set up” and “how to run a business” I can tell you that sooner or later you end up in a HUGE MESS and in all likely hood become your own victim!

So, you might as well wake up and careful re plan your philosophy about collecting all kinds of information that gets you NO where!


With careful planning and consistent focus, YOU are able


To succeed in YOUR dreams.kkkYou can choose the way a successful person thinks. You can choose the way how you would like to build your house.

With the nails? Without the Nails? With the cement? Without the cement?


You can choose and believe all the 10.000 million advises you will find on the internet, there is NO end to that topic, very often it's only a way to get your money in their pocket and possibly can cost you a small fortune.

Change your thinking pattern and find believe in the proven success full system that all boils down to a STEADY MIND SET.


You are NOT going to be success full if you chance your mind all the time due to all kinds of information from all different directions.


It's like you flip flop around and has no idea of going straight forward without taking any side steps!


YOU remember, YOU choose to be in business, that means you are ready to take the follow up consequent, NO MATTER if you like it or not.


In business your decisions become the focal point of your passion. Going in business is asking for challenges, day after day, there is NO stop!


The decision becomes the magnifying glass that channels the rays for your passion into a




You do not allow it to escape, slack off, get side tracked, NO matter the circumstances in YOUR life.

Persistence and focus on your goal is all it takes to become success full. Be on top of it without having a pushy attitude towards the group/person across from you. Always let your audience know that they are your # 1, that they are the “KING” and that you can not survive without them.

Give them the feelings how important they are.

You should be unstoppable in chasing your success, but put a HUGE sign in front of your computer that says;


Don't let anybody influence you and allow them to indoctrinate you. DON'T allow them to down play you.

People who downplay the party across from them are most of the time extremely jealous! This happens very often in the business world that is dominated by women.


Down playing and criticizing is nothing else than a short of self confidence!

YOU are in charge, however that does not mean that you are not open for advice, that would be NOT smart from your side, but on the end of the day YOU are the only person that makes the final decision.

Make sure you have NEVER HEARD of the word “QUIT”. If there is no way at that moment, YOU will make a way to get it working!


Business is a climbing mountain, you can not climb a mountain in one day, you have to accomplish it by taking one step at the time. You simply put a ladder in front of that mountain and every week you set one step, If you make a side step from that ladder,


That's right, you fall off the ladder, and here we are back to square one where I started. You have to look inside yourself and ask;


What drives you in your goal to become;

• independent
• providing the best
• most stable environment

You remember that $10 I started of, that's all you have, NO credit cards to pile up with BS from the internet that only gets you off track.
Once you tap into your passion, you unleash a powerful force you never was aware of, you can channel that passion to drive you, through concentrating to reach


You make that first connection, you make that first sale, you stimulate that burning desire you need as a keystone to SUCCEED in business!