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  1. 8. How to promote your Website

A website is a very important tool for anyone hoping to make their presence felt online. It is made up of related web pages with content such as text, images, video and audio and it is hosted on a server. In this article you will learn how to promote your website so that people know about it and find out what it is you have to offer.

With the advancement in technology, it has become necessary for businesses, even small ones, to have their own websites. Websites provide clear information on what a business is about, its location, product and services that it offers and it also gives consumers a chance to air their views and give feedback.

Creating a website is not the toughest part especially if you are a technology guru. You could also get an information technology specialist to create one for you. Getting the right website is half the battle won. Next is to let the world know that your website exists and draw people to it.

Most people do not have the slightest clue of how to promote their website. Well, of course you cannot just sit there and wait for people to discover it. You have to create and direct some traffic towards it. Below is how to go about it.

Make use of article directories. People online search articles that are in various categories and after going through them they will most likely click on the link at the end of the article which directs them to your webpage. There are also article directories that are well established and bring traffic to websites. One of the most common article directories is

One of the best free search engines for your website is Google. This is because it is very popular as lots and lots of people use it to find just about anything. All you have to do is get your website indexed by submitting it to Google which is free, easy and pretty fast. Before submitting it however, search Google to see if your website is already on Google’s index.

There are free directories that can promote your website for free.

For business or websites for service companies, classifieds are the way to go as they are free and reach a larger audience. You can get back links and traffic to your site from forums. Sign up and become an active member of such forums and contribute to the topics of conversation. Leave your website link in your forum signature. Ensure your comments are intelligent as these will attract people to your site.

There is perhaps no faster way of getting people to know your site than through social media. We are living in a generation obsessed by social networking: face book, twitter, my space, the list is endless. Suggest your website page to your friends and groups that you belong to and keep them updated on new products, services or offers.

Word of mouth is an old fashioned but effective way of marketing your site. Make your site as attractive and memorable then tell your family, friends and colleagues about it. Prepare business cards to give to whomever you speak to about your website.

Social bookmarking sites provide one with a chance to promote their website. Write an amazing article and submit it to the social bookmarking sites so as to drive traffic to it every time it is bookmarked.

To further promote your site you can opt for print advertising which is rather expensive but can be really effective more so if you are advertising for the opening of a boutique or a restaurant. Making flyers and handing them out is also a great way to inform people.

There are also sites which have the designer and artist portfolios. You can submit your work to them to gain exposure for your own website.

Other ways of promoting your websites include link baiting, link exchanges, viral marketing, entering contests, email marketing, creating videos, eBooks, networking, podcasting and sending out press releases.

With all the above options, marketing and promoting your website has never been easier. Find whichever way is suitable for you and get going on promoting your site.