Tips and How To's by Josie Lydy - HTML preview

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  1. 9. Branding yourself

The world has become a very competitive place such that you have to go an extra mile if you really want to get to and stay at the top. It could be you are looking for a job and you have met all the qualifications, but you have not landed your dream job yet. You may have an amazing business idea but the investors keep turning you down. You have to learn to sell yourself right. Branding yourself is the key to opening up all the potential you have got and paving way for greater success.

The marketplace has become crowded due to availability of information hence the need to be unique and stand out from the rest. It is vital to ensure that you put your best foot forward and that people remember who you are otherwise if you are boring and dull you will never get the job. Since we are living in a digital era, you have more platforms to show case your brand from LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook and other social media sites. Be sure to fully exploit all these avenues.

Branding yourself can be a hectic undertaking. It is not as simple as creating a logo or a slogan. It goes beyond that. It is about the way you sell your service and the value of the service itself. You need not only be good at what you do but also be memorable. Concentrate on building a brand that represents who you are within your market. Avoid being a jack of all trades as it tends to get people confused on what it is that you represent.

The secret to branding is not transforming yourself into a totally different person. It simply requires figuring what you are good at and harnessing your skill until you become an expert in your desired field. Once you have accomplished that, you have to let people know that you have exceptional skills which set you apart from the competition.

Memorability is the next step in branding yourself. Identify the traits that make you unique. It could be your sense of humor, your love for music or nature or your hobbies. Incorporate these traits into your brand so that it resonates with people. By so doing, your brand is deeply etched in the minds of potential clients and anytime they require your service, you are the first person that comes to mind.

It is important to remain committed throughout the entire process. Personal branding takes time but the benefits in the long run are worth it. Your brand will speak for itself enabling you to concentrate on your core activities to keep the brand running.

Branding yourself has advantages such as being an expert and a valuable asset, ensuring people remember you and hence easily locate you and also build trust.

It is therefore very important to take some time and brand yourself. If you do not, someone else will and it will most definitely not be to your advantage. Branding yourself will not only ensure that you are relevant in your field but will also create a lasting impression to the people you interact with and to potential clients.