Tips and How To's by Josie Lydy - HTML preview

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  1. 13. How to nurture your mental health

Living healthy has become a lifestyle and a lot more people are taking physical exercise seriously. As great as that is, we forget that the mind too needs exercising. Your mental health affects other aspects of your well being. It is therefore important to go the extra mile and look after your mental health as it will improve the quality of your life.

Physical activity can go a long way in enhancing your mental health. Go on a run. Cardio is great because it gets your heart racing, makes you feel lighter and when your body feels good, your mind will definitely feel better. Exercise will also help avoid anxiety and depression.

Keep stress at bay. We all get stressed up at times. Some of the things that stress us up are in our control while some are not. The best way to deal with stress is to identify the potential stressors and then consider options of how to deal with them, not by escaping but by finding ways to relieve the stress. An example could be engaging in a hobby, or talking to a counselor.

Dealing with your moods is also vital to your mental health. It is natural to have mood variations every now and then. However, ensure that your moods do not take over your life because then you will not be truly living.

Laughter is indeed the best medicine. According to researchers, laughing has chemical effects to your brain which in turn uplifts your mood and lets go of stress. So watch some more of comedy, hang out with people who make you happier and laugh your problems away.

You have also probably heard that you are what you eat. Take more note of what you eat. Include healthier foods in your diet. Check with your doctor on what vitamins and supplements to incorporate to your diet too.

Ensure you have enough rest. The mind needs enough sleep, about seven hours of uninterrupted sleep to recharge. Try playing games to stimulate the mind as well such as chess or board games.

All the above activities will greatly change your life so go ahead and try them out. Ensure that you nurture your mental health and improve your life.