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  1. 14. Tips on how to whiten teeth naturally

Dental hygiene is something today’s society values greatly. Discolored and yellowed teeth are unsightly, unhealthy, embarrassing and will put people off. They will also negatively impact on your self confidence. Most whitening products available in the market contain harmful chemicals. Here are some tips on how to whiten teeth naturally.

  1. 1. Brush and Floss daily.

Ensure that you have brushed your teeth after every meal and that you floss every day. Prevention is better than cure and this goes for your teeth since removing the stains is a difficult process.

  1. 2. Water.

Drinking water rinses and removes any food particles in your teeth hence preventing decay and stains.

  1. 3. Baking soda and lemons.

This is a very effective teeth whitening method. Mix a little baking soda with freshly squeezed lemon juice and make a bubbly paste. Using cotton wool, wipe off saliva and any excess plaque then apply the mixture on your teeth. Do not let it stay any longer than a minute and then brush it off. Do this once a week since using the paste regularly damages the enamel.

  1. 4. Raisins.

They are considered a natural mouth wash as they induce the production of saliva which rinses away the plaque.

  1. 5. Crunchy vegetables and fruits.

Apples, carrots, pears and celery are natural teeth cleansers due to their acidic and abrasive nature. Eat them whole instead of cutting them up as they are more effective this way.

  1. 6. Strawberries.

They are not only sweet but beneficial to your teeth too. They contain malic acid which aids in clearing away the discoloration. Their rough texture also acts as a buffer for the enamel making it smooth and bright.

  1. 7. Dairy products

Yoghurt, cheese and milk have minerals that keep teeth strong and improve their general appearance.

Remember to keep this process moderate and do not overdo it since teeth are very fragile. With the above tips on how to whiten teeth naturally it will be impossible to stop smiling.