Tips and How To's by Josie Lydy - HTML preview

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  1. 15. Tips for building muscle and burning fat

It is pretty common knowledge that sit ups are not as effective as a lot of people set them out to be. The real and the best way to burn fat is to do exercises that are aimed at building muscle. This way, your body will be burning fat even when you are not actually exercising. Below are some tips for building muscle and burning fat.

  1. 1. Cardio and more cardio.

It is practically useless to try and do crunches without having done any heartwarming exercises. Get moving; get your heart race up. Go for a walk, jog, dance or go for a run. Do this for about 20-30 minutes three days a week. Ensure you warm up and do some stretches before beginning. The secret is to always be consistent.

  1. 2. Strength training

Incorporate exercises that build muscle or increase your strength. They include: lunges, squats, dead lifts and overhead press. It is important to have your doctor give you the go ahead before attempting strength training exercises. Start small and continue taking up more challenging work outs as you progress.

  1. 3. Eat clean

Perhaps the most overlooked yet very vital part of getting in shape and burning fat is good nutrition. If your diet has included a lot of junk and fast foods, it is time to make the tough choices. These foods will not only hinder your progress but will also have serious repercussions to your health in terms of heart attacks, cancer and diabetes among others. Make a resolution to eat healthy. Get tips from your doctor or nutritionists on what foods to include in your diet. You can also find fun and healthy recipes online.

  1. 4. Water

I cannot emphasize this enough. Drink lots of water; at least 8 glasses a day.

  1. 5. Monitor progress

Keep track of the progress you are making. It is okay to reward yourself once you reach your goals but do not overdo it such that you forget and you get back to square one. Keep yourself motivated. It will enable you to keep going even when you do not feel like it.

With the above tips, you will be on your way to building muscle and burning fat the healthy and effective way.