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  1. 2. Tips for saving on fuel

Having a car has its advantages the greatest being the convenience top move from one place to another. However, the one constant pain in the neck of having a vehicle is fuel consumption. The prices for fuel keep going up and rarely do they come down hence it is important for car owners to ensure that they find economical ways to save on fuel.

Here are a few tips that every car owner can put to use to ensure that having a car does not lead them to bankruptcy.

  1. 1. Gas gift cards

Some gas stations provide their customers with gas gift cards that have discounted rates. This means that the fuel consumers pay less for more gas. That is a definite bargain!

  1. 2. Drive sanely

Resist the urge to drive your car at full speed. You are not only wasting gas, but also putting your life and that of others in danger. Reduce the rate at which you constantly accelerate and brake as well.

  1. 3. Switch off the engine while in traffic.

You are in traffic for an hour and your engine is still running; that is such a waste of gas. If the traffic is not moving, switch off that engine.

  1. 4. The windows and air conditioning

Whilst driving at slow speeds, open the window. When you have to speed keep the windows closed to reduce the drag and make use of the air conditioning. This will ensure you use your fuel more conservatively.

  1. 5. Economical vehicle

It is ridiculous to spend a huge chunk of your income on fuel just because your car is a guzzler. The best way to cut your losses here is to get rid of that car and get one that is economical in its consumption of fuel and also by way of maintenance. A car is meant to make things easier not leave your pockets empty.

  1. 6. Fill the tank

Another way to save on fuel is to always fill up your fuel tank. Avoid fueling in small amounts because you will always be making trips to the petrol station to add fuel.

In addition to the above tips, you can also save on fuel by ensuring you find shorter routes to your destination and walking shorter distances. All these will drastically reduce the amount you spend on fuel so do give them a try.