Tips and How To's by Josie Lydy - HTML preview

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  1. 3. Tips on having a good self image

In this day and age self image is everything. How you present yourself to the world and how people perceive you will determine how they treat you. Self image is the idea that a person has of their appearance, abilities, and personality. Having a good self image has its benefits such as improving your confidence and self esteem.

Below are some tips on how to have a good self image:

  1. 1. It is all in the mind.

The best way to improve your self image is to change the way you view yourself. The first step is to look deeply into yourself and know who you are. The minute you believe that you are worthy and can make a difference not only in your life but in the lives of those around you, then you begin to change your image.

  1. 2. Appearance

First impressions last in people’s minds. The way you dress and carry yourself will leave a lasting effect. Dress appropriately; know your body type and dress for it. Ensure you are well groomed at all times from head to toe. Putting in the extra effort to look good will be rewarding. Dress for the job you want to have.

  1. 3. Do not compare yourself to others

You may want to trade a body part you do not like for someone else’s smile or hair but nobody is perfect. Stop comparing yourself to others. They probably wish they have something that you’ve got. Instead, focus on highlighting those parts that you love. Learn to accept yourself flaws and all. You are a unique being just as you are.

  1. 4. Engage in positive activities

These will include being around people who positively influence you. Take up activities that progress you such as exercising with friends, a cooking class, or even joining a book club. They will not only boost your confidence and self esteem, but they will also ensure you stay away from self destructing habits.

  1. 5. Create a beautiful environment

It is no secret that we human beings are drawn to beautiful things. They lighten up our moods and create a wonderful ambience. Keep fresh flowers in your house, use vibrant colors to decorate, have an aquarium if you like or just put on some soothing music and have a bubble bath with scented candles. Just do whatever lifts your mood. If you feel good then you will definitely look good.