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Chapter 5. Become A Super Affiliate With Clickbank


Making money through affiliate marketing is one of the most rewarding careers one could ever have. What’s good about this business is that anyone can join and make their way to success. Affiliate marketing has been known to be cost-efficient, accessible method of conveying long-term results. In fact, you can start even with a shoe string budget. And with affiliate marketing, you can have the benefit of working from home and enjoying the freedom and flexibility of working for yourself.


But there are also some people who failed in this kind of business. It could be because they lack knowledge and tactics. If you are a website owner and you want to join in an affiliate marketing business, you should know where to get good affiliate programs.


Clickbank is an ideal place to start. Here, you can find one of the largest affiliate marketing programs in the industry. You just need to visit their site, http://www.clickbank.com and secure a Clickbank ID. From the Clickbank’s home page, proceed to Earn Commissions and look for the products and services that perfectly fit you and your site. These products are typically ranked according to their popularity.


Clickbank is one of the affiliate networks that serve as a 3rd party between the web merchants and the associated affiliates. It is responsible in providing the technology to deliver the merchant’s offers and campaigns. The affiliate network also do the job of collecting commission fees from the merchant and giving it to the affiliates involved in the program.


Clickbank provides you a large and increasing network of publishers or affiliates to tap into. To be more specific, Clickbank has more than 100,000 affiliates who are experts in finding potential customers for your affiliate program. The reason why more and more affiliates are joining Clickbank is obvious the process of gaining commissions in this network is absolutely fair and transparent.


For web merchants, joining Clickbank is so easy. You just need to sign up in their site for free and allow them to sell your products. Keep up a promotional website that gives your potential customers detailed information about your offered product or services. At your website, you must also maintain a comprehensive technical support pages for your product. In return, Clickbank will promote and sell your product, give customer service for your product, allow their affiliates to pass on traffic to your website, enable you to encourage new affiliates to advertise your website, furnish real-time sales reporting for you and the affiliates and send you and all affiliates a paycheck twice a month.


If you’re a Clickbank affiliate wannabe, you surely won’t find it hard to be a part of this network. First, you are required to place their link on your website and if you don’t have a Clickbank account, you need to complete the Clickbank affiliate form and create your own account. Then, if you already have a Clickbank username, you are free to choose whatever marketing tools you want to use bring in more clicks and generate more sales. After selecting marketing tools, you can now get your affiliate link.


That’s how simple it is to join Clickbank. But being a Clickbank super affiliate is no minor achievement. It means you need to possess the ability to sell lots of affiliate products. You also need to have expertise in search engine optimization, email marketing, newsletter marketing, reciprocal linkage, link exchanges and other methods of promoting your merchant’s goods and services.


Among the secrets to become successful in affiliate marketing is to come up with good content based website and put your affiliate links in all your content. Your main purpose here is to give your visitors good quality content about the things they are interested in. Set aside the job of selling. It must be done by the sales letter page you are transferring them to.


Promote multiple affiliate programs in your website but don’t promote everything the world has to offer. Just choose the affiliate programs that fit your site and focus on it. Then, it is advisable to automate the whole process, giving you more time for other ventures. Yes, you’ve read it right! Automation is another key to become a super affiliate.


Of course, you have to spend more time in reading, learning and taking up the changes in affiliate marketing business. Through this, you’ll remain on top of the trends. If you are knowledgeable with online marketing, you’ll understand how important it is to stay up-to-date. In this kind of business, what worked and what was accepted few months ago may not work at present. So always see to it that you know what’s new in affiliate marketing every day.


It’s really hard to be a Clickbank super affiliate, but you shouldn’t say NO to the thought of giving up. Bear in mind that in affiliate marketing business, you need to develop persistence, patience and knowledge. These traits will teach you to carry on no matter how tough the job is. Also, check your statistics. This will help you find out what is working and what is not. Make necessary changes if needed but do it one at a time and be patient.


Don’t forget that in affiliate marketing, everything won’t take place overnight. And it will not happen without blood, sweat and hefty time commitment. Again, just encompass patience, persistence and knowledge; then do above mentioned tactics. Before you recognize it, you will start gaining profits. Believe me, the fruits of all your efforts here in affiliate marketing will be way too sweet.

Firstly, I would have assumed you have already signed up with Clickbank as an affiliate. If you have not, please proceed to their website to register.

Selecting the right product to promote.
This is actually one of the trickiest to do. Do you select a popular one and risk being in an over-crowded market? Do you select a new product? But risk low popularity and sales? How about a “middle” product? And risk being mediocre? As you can see, it really takes a lot of skill and experience to select the right products.

Select a high paying enough product.
When I say high paying, I mean in terms of commission. How many percent do they pay you? 50% 55%? For me that is quite low already I would, generally, never promote a product that has a commission below 50%. Almost watch the price of the product, if it is too high perhaps it would deter price conscious customers.

Take a good hard look at the sales page.
The sales copy is one of the most important, in fact I would rate it the most vital, aspect to look at. Because all it matters is whether your traffic you send to the affiliate link will convert, and a good sales page certainly does up your chances a lot. Rate it upon 10, how convinced are you yourself to buy? Certain stuff to look at includes testimonials, bonuses, pricing, layout etc…

Look at the stats generated for the vendor generated in Clickbank Marketplace.
It is almost a no-brainer that you have to come here to look at some very important statistics. It gives information on the percentage of sales made through affiliates, how recent sales were generated and the payout. More on deciphering these statistics will be revealed in my book “Clickbank Profit Machine”. Pay close attention to all the statistics here.

One surefire way to get traffic is to buy it. Google AdWords can generate piles of traffic immediately, but the costs can run away with you. I’d only recommend this approach if you really know what you are doing — or if you have cash to burn — then again if you had cash to burn, you wouldn’t be doing this right?


So, if we don’t buy it, then how do we beg, steal or borrow it? Well, let me introduce a neat little package called Google Snatch. This is an e-book available from Clickbank that unlocks the secret to getting Google traffic without paying a cent — no really I’m not kidding! Having chosen the right product not only will Google Snatch win you over so that you come to depend on it, but Google Snatch will also provide you with the skills and information necessary to ensure you know how you can get the traffic for free and make money as an affiliate.


Google Snatch literally rushed up the Clickbank product list charts within days. It is both an excellent quality product and a great opportunity to become a successful marketer of any product, be it either your own, or an affiliate product.

Online marketers who are seeking additional income from sources such as Google Adsense, affiliate sales, and joint ventures are often searching for the best deals in terms of percentages. Affiliate sales have become extremely popular with the internet marketing community and the Clickbank marketplace has become the focal point for most affiliates. Maximizing the income potential is a worthy goal, but it can also be peppered with substandard issues from the quality of a product to those who are selling the online commodities. Becoming an affiliate at Clickbank is easy and membership can provide a handsome jolt to the bottom line, but choosing a product to market requires research and a keen eye for quality. Typically, the first feature that most affiliates notice is the percentage of profits that is being offered.


A Clickbank affiliate must take notice of the percentage being offered by the owner, but it should never be the sole reason for marketing a product. For example, some Clickbank members have been known to offer seventy-five percent or more to affiliates and while that is considered to be very generous, the deliberately careful affiliate will take the time to do some thorough research. Some offers for affiliates at this level is legitimate and it can certainly be very rewarding. However, a substantial number of these offers are coupled with inferior products that have little to no chance of selling. At the opposite end of the spectrum, some members offer less than fifty percent and some offer very little. If a product is in demand and very popular, perhaps it is worth considering even if the split is only twenty-five percent in your favor. As a general rule, it is obviously better to earn twenty-five percent of a large sum of sales than to earn seventy-five percent of very few sales.


With your Clickbank account, the possibilities as an affiliate are enormous due to the sizable membership and the endless number of products to market. Most members will offer a fifty percent split of the profits and this seems to be the standard for a majority of products that are featured at Clickbank. Another great advantage that affiliates enjoy is having a product or service that took no time to create and is simply ready to be marketed.


The Clickbank marketplace offers a wide array of advantages for the enterprising affiliate. Splitting a favorable percentage of the profits with the product’s owner can lead to further partnerships and a rewarding online business.

A discussion of displayed Ad Towers such as ClickAds Pro and how search engine optimized keywords can be used to bring targeted visitors to a website.


Google AdWords is not the end of the story when it comes to inviting the appropriate ads to displaying towers or panels of ad on your site. ClickAds Pro which displays Clickbank ads on your site also works well and has been known to increase traffic over three thousand percent.


Like Google programs, this program comes with a java script generator that instantly creates dynamically linked pages. You can pretty much install the whole thing and have it running in a few minutes.


The reason that you want this type of program on your site is because the simple and quick installation makes it easy for you to increase ad revenue by monetizing the visitors to your site that aren't buying. This enables you to capitalize on your search engine optimized contextual advertising so that it brings visitors as well as income potential to your site.


Another great thing about this type of program is that it allows you to display target high quality affiliate programs on any type of web page. This selection process is based on a number of criteria including the subject area associated with the product, the ranking of the product and the commission that you earn as ad revenue.


The best type of software for this is the type that can be adjusted so that it looks nice and fits in with the colors and layout of your site. It is important to choose the format of towers or bars as well as the background color, border color and font of the click bank ads that you choose to display so that your SEO attempts are not really obvious to a website visitor. Unfortunately many programs of this type are visually really intrusive and make it obvious that you are trying to sell something, which is just tacky!