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Chapter 6. Typing For Cash


People living in all parts of the world are looking to change their lifestyle utilizing the access given us through the Internet. Many are looking for a Work At Home program, but finding it difficult to find in some parts of the globe. One online work at home program that is extremely popular and accessible is Data Entry.


Data Entry is available worldwide so that makes it one of the most used programs to generate income currently on the web. The other factor is its similarity to processing rebates in that we feel comfortable doing the task required.


Why work at home? Well the earnings potential is unlimited and I have found that you spend less time working and make more income than the typical day job. For some people that do not have a job or cannot find a job it gives them a fair chance to take care of their family and enjoy life.


When you are doing your research on the web you will find various types of Data Entry programs available for you to choose from. Doing the proper research is key to your success. I recommend either using a website like mine, but not necessarily mine, that has done some research for you. You can spend days doing it yourself, but if you are like I was in the beginning, I did not even know what to look for in an online company. I can tell you it's not looking for the most attractive ad that promises everything for nothing.


Effort is required, If you are looking for something for nothing, this is not it. While the time required is minimal and you can set your own hours, you will have to do some work at home to earn money.


Another important thing is your work at home profile. Ask yourself the following questions:


* How many hours can you put into your Work At Home endeavor?


* How much money do you realistically want to make?


* How quick do you want to start earning money?


* Do you want a Home Based Business or simply to Work at Home?


* What are your current skill sets?


* What types of things are you comfortable doing?


* Can you exercise patience, while working from home for money?


* Are you willing to invest the cost of going out to dinner and a movie with your family or a friend into your future?


You may think of other things, but if you have answered these questions you have a good idea of your work at home profile. So what should you do next? Well, you should do your research, narrow down your choices to 2 – 3 programs that match your work at home profile, join and start working from the comfort of your home.

There are several things that you want to remember when you are looking for a work from home data entry job. First of all, you always want to be sure that you are dealing with a company that is going to do good work for you and that is not going to rip you off... Then, you want to take a good look at the type of work you will be doing and make sure that it is the type of work that you are suited for, and the type of work that you will be able to do easily. Lastly, you want to be sure that the money you are getting is going to fit your needs.


When you are finding a work from home data entry job be sure that you do your research and be sure that the jobs you are finding are not scams but are actual jobs. This might sound confusing and it might be hard to do at first, but once you have been looking for work from home data entry jobs for a long time, you will be able to spot the scams and will be able to avoid them. You can also look for the name of the job or the name of the company that offers the job online and see what people are saying about that job or about the company that offers them. This is another great way to make sure that you are able to understand what the job is all about and that it is not going to be a scam. Doing your research will help you make sure that you are not being scammed.


Then, you want to look into the job and make sure that it is the right job for you. Be sure that when you choose a work from home data entry job to apply to you are finding one that really meets your needs. It should be a work from home data entry job that you can easily do and that you know you will be good at doing. Be sure that you take your time and research each of the jobs that you might apply for and make sure that before you apply for a job you know that you will be good at it and that it is something that is actually going to interest you. This is something that is very important.


The last thing that you want to think about when you are finding work from home data entry job is whether the pay rate is perfect for you. Be sure that when you find a work from home data entry job you are finding one that will actually work for you, and then be sure that you are going to be paid the right amount for it. This is something that you want to figure out very carefully, because if you are not going to make enough money to live on from the work from home data entry job, it is not going to be the right job for you.

Be sure that the money is what you need it to be. Jobs are different from business opportunities where you are being taught how to start a certain type of business. Jobs that require a computer and jobs that don't. Jobs that require previous education and jobs that don't.

Some people perform jobs that are exclusively data entry, while others, like programmers, might have to occasionally enter data. You can find numerous telecommuting data entry jobs available which provide people with an excellent way to have a flexible schedule. Typically, data entry jobs pay between 10-15 US dollars (USD) per hour. It is predicted that this method and others may ultimately take over some data entry jobs. Real companies are offering typing/data entry jobs. Most of these jobs do not require you to have extensive training or much.

These data entry jobs allow you to be in control with no deadlines to meet. Data entry jobs and typing jobs are amazing ways you can make money with your computer from home. The best part about these data entry jobs is that you won't have to do any selling.

While many people search endlessly to find the REAL data entry jobs, the smart entrepreneurs are going to the PROVEN job resources. The popularity of data entry jobs and the fact that now anyone who has basic typing skills can start earning a part-time or full time income. Now you can bid for Data entry online jobs and make good money while sitting in your own home. If you are tired of looking for and applying for data entry jobs, then you should consider creating your own blogs. No doubt about the fact that the data entry jobs are so easy to do, and they are very lucrative means of earning by working from the comforts of your own home.

When you look for data entry job, you are more likely to run across scams than real jobs. They have to be confident that they can perform their jobs with little or no supervision. It gives all of us a bad reputation and cuts down on the number of jobs that are advertised. Are they selling actual job listings for current jobs right now.

What happens if you don't have any work at home jobs that I like and I want my money back. More real work at home jobs with real companies than anywhere else on the internet. Just like your local newspaper, you'll see a very wide range of different types of jobs that are suitable for all different types of people.

There are SO MANY work at home jobs to choose from, and they are extremely diverse. In fact, there are so many types of jobs that viewing the job information can be somewhat overwhelming at first.


Thousands of companies need people to enter business data. The companies involved with these businesses want you to become affiliated with them. The Internet is filled with “Work at Home” business opportunities. Your local newspaper is plastered with advertisements for home business opportunities.

It’s time for me to find happiness and financial success through a Work at Home business. The conclusion of my research has resulted in my highest recommendation for the following “Work at Home” businesses:. It is a legitimate business model that I use myself. As with any other business arena, it takes a lot of hard work, self education and dedication to make any progress.

NEVER do business with any company that doesn't publish its own address on their website (so you can verify it) and accept their own payments. Make sure the company accepts charge cards, their address is on their site, and that the name of the company who will appear on your credit card statement is the SAME company you think you're doing business with. Some offer little more than lists of business opportunities that will require you to spend more money.

Many people have grown weary after trying many Data Entry programs only to have lost their time and money. It is very easy to get scammed on the Internet now days. Whenever there is a lot of people that are making money, the old scammers will come to get their share.


It is good to see people at least trying to do some fundamental research. You can see the phrases being searched for by checking the online search engines. They are phrases such as data entry scams, data entry job scams, data entry online scams and data entry work at home scams.


Research is the key in my opinion. No one has a crystal ball, but with the proper research you can put yourself in the best chance for success. You can't just join the first program you find that promises you the world, and expect to be successful. You will either have to find a website like mine, but not necessarily mine, that has done some research for you or spend the hours to do the research yourself. It's that simple, otherwise you can expect to have limited success.


What you want is Data Entry companies that have good, customer support, product, track record of on time payments, step-by-step guidance on how to be successful with their program and a money back guarantee when possible.


There is another side to this whole scam thing. Many times people will see the ads, join a program, not do any work and expect to be paid a lot of dollars. It's simple if you are not prepared to do any work at home, then don't join, because chances are you are not going to be happy or make any money. The folks that join under these circumstances typically end up quitting and calling the program a scam and move on to lose some money somewhere else. Many times programs are called scams when actually it's either someone wanting to get paid for doing nothing or it's simply not a good fit for that person. That's why I particularly like the money back guarantee programs, because this minimizes this problem. Sometimes when a company gives the person the refund, it does not help, because the person goes around on forums posting that they have been scammed anyway. Sad!


It's sad because viable programs get scammed and lumped in with the terrible programs that are out there. There is plenty of the bad ones out there already without anyone adding to the list. You need to either do the research or use a website that has done it already to have a chance for success.


If you are reading this article you more than likely have the skill sets and equipment necessary to work from home doing data entry.


Here is what you need to do:


1. Find a good program using the methods mentioned above


2. Join the program


3. Start working the program either full or part-time


4. Have some patience, while you get your work at hope program up and running


With some research, discipline, patience and yes a little luck you will be on your way to making a nice income while sitting in the comfort of your home.

'Get paid to type data online! This is a perfect opportunity for stay at home moms, students or anyone that is in need of some extra cash. Available worldwide.'


'Earn money entering data from the comfort of your home! Follow the simple step by step system. No experience needed.'


Any of these ads look familiar? They should, you can find them plastered all over the Internet and in most classified newspaper ads. Data Entry Jobs are currently the latest rage. It seems everyone wants to do them. In fact, I did a check to see how many times people typed in the phrase, ‘data entry’ (with Overture’s Keyword Selector Tool) and found that last month there were 38,490 searches for Data Entry; and that’s not counting all the searches on Google, MSN or any of the hundreds of other search engines on the Internet! That’s also not counting the other phrases people could have typed in, such as; ‘data entry jobs,’ ‘make money with data entry,’ ‘online data entry’ or many other phrases associated with Data Entry.


Why are so many people interested in Data Entry Jobs? Well think about it. You get to work from home (in your pajamas if you want), spend more time with your family, don’t have to worry about leaving your house and getting stuck in that traffic, and you don’t have to hate it every time the alarm goes off each morning. I mean, how irresistible is that?


I decided to do a bit of research on these so-called ‘Data Entry Jobs.’ What did I find? Well, I will tell you this; many of the companies I researched had a lot in common. Now let me start off by saying that I researched some of the more popular Data Entry Programs. What I found was many of these programs had very misleading ads and websites with outrageous promises. Customer service was also very poor and in some cases nonexistent. I emailed some of them to ask a simple question and I never got a response.


Some Data Entry programs I researched were from Clickbank’s Marketplace. All of these I found were actually Ebooks that tell you, or even show you how you can make money using Google AdWords to sell their product or other Clickbank products. (That is not Data Entry. That is actually Affiliate Marketing.) So in reality, once you join and pay the registration fee for these Data Entry Programs, you will receive the training materials that will teach you how to type more ‘data entry ads’ and convince other people to do the same thing. What they fail to tell you is that YOU have to pay for the ads you place and you ONLY make money IF you make a sale. When I made this discovery I was outraged because not only are these programs misleading, as you actually do not make money for the data entry itself, you only get money if you sell a product, these programs are also fraud and contain false information. That has the word SCAM written all over it. In fact, after further research, I discovered that Clickbank actually had these so-called Data Entry Programs removed from their Marketplace. Why? Well, even though these products were very popular and sold very easily, they also have a very high return rate, which Clickbank frowns upon. That right there should tell you something.


So are Data Entry Jobs scams? In my opinion I don't think that Data Entry Programs themselves are scams. It's the WAY they are presented and sell their product to the public that's misleading. As mentioned earlier, this is nothing more than Affiliate Marketing, which is not Data Entry.


So how does one go about finding legitimate Data Entry Jobs? The key is to find an honest and reliable freelancing data entry job. This is going to require time on your part. You are going to have to do your homework and put in the effort required to find these legitimate jobs. Don’t worry. I have listed a few of the best places to look.


You can use search engines to help you find reliable companies. There are many review sites out there that will give you an unbiased review of data entry programs. Please don’t go into this kind of search believing EVERYTHING you read from these review sites. Believe it or not, there are a lot of review sites that are still promoting data entry programs from Clickbank, which as mentioned earlier are mostly scams.


Another great place to look for data entry jobs is Webmaster forums. Many webmasters are constantly looking to save time by hiring other people to do manual labor, so they can focus more on advertising and updating their web sites. Some forums even let you advertise your services, but some also charge you a fee for this, so once again, do your research.


A great place I recently discovered to look for Data Entry Jobs is www.Craigslist.org. Craig’s List is the largest online classified website on the Internet. I used to think it only listed things to buy or sell, but during my research, I discovered they also have a section called “Gigs" which includes a section on ‘Writing’ where people are always looking for someone to do data entry work.


There are many other job sites such as Monster.com, Yahoo and even HotJobs where you can find data entry jobs in your area. Remember to take your time and do a thorough search because you need to ensure that you are signing up with a reliable program so that you do not get scammed.


The best way to make sure that you are dealing with a reliable company is to go to www.BBB.org and check out the company you are interested in. The BBB grades companies using their rating system and has official information and customer praise and complaints about most businesses. It’s the best place to find unbiased and accurate information.


So in conclusion, Data Entry Jobs can be a real money making opportunity. Just remember, as with any industry, there are scammers out there who know what you want to hear and are ready to ‘tickle your ears’ with their ads promising instant riches. Don’t fall for them. Do your homework and you will be fine.