What to Why by Jamie Schneiderman and Donald Cowper - HTML preview

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Key Takeaways

  • Past performance is not a permanent quality about a person, which is why it’s not a reliable indicator of future performance.
  • Generally, only half of people who were high performers at their previous job will turn out to be high performers in their new job.
  • Performance depends on the context—to a much greater degree than we would expect.
  • We each possess core attributes that make us who we are, and that don’t change when we move from one job to another.
  • Objective data on who someone is takes us past the limits of human perception.
  • WHAT data is the visible data about someone, such as:
  • Results
  • Skills
  • Performance Metrics
  • Education
  • Experience
  • 360 Feedback
  • WHY data is objective data on someone’s core attributes that reveals why they perform at the level they do on the job.
  • The challenge of building a high-performing team is often framed as a time problem, because it can take months, sometimes years, to discover which new hires and which trainees will perform like your top people. But another way to frame the problem is to see it as an information challenge, and to solve it by uncovering information up front that tells you which candidates and which high potentials possess the attributes of your top performers.
  • WHAT data provides 50 percent of the information we need to make good decisions about people; WHY data provides the other 50 percent.
  • By profiling the WHY data of all your candidates and team members, you can instantly see which roles they are built for.
  • Top performers possess the very information you need to find more of them.
  • WHY data completes the picture of somebody. It reveals the conditions they need to perform at their highest level.


