Workers at Home: Making the Most of Your Time


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Book Description

Erin Thiele has taken the time to write down in this small book the methods and principles that keep her life running smoothly. With five children still at home, home-schooling the youngest three, and heading up a successful worldwide ministry as a single mom, Erin still has been able to squeeze in writing more than a dozen books and numerous magazine articles, tape twelve videos and books on tape and has been a motivational speaker around the world to hundreds of women just like you! We promise that this book will be your constant resource for getting your life to run smoothly: organizing and scheduling your time, meals, clutter, cleaning, laundry, and even sewing. Whether you need help managing the time God has given you, or an easier way to get things done, you will refer to this book again and again!

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Erin Thiele

Hi I'm Erin Thiele author motivational speaker the founder of Restore Ministries International and the senior pastor of Restoration Fellowship -- A Church without Walls I am also a mother of seven children and grandchildren thus far God has seen fit to use me to encourage and motivate hundreds of women and men through my books that have the distinctive style the Lord used with me--using the Bible alone to minister to the brokenhearted which is who I was before I found the Lord The goal in all my books is to share with my readers how they too can overcome every crisis through the means the Lord used with me My testimony and ministry began in the very midst of a horrible crisis--when my husband disappeared leaving me alone with four small children After three months I found out that he left me for another woman and a year later he divorced me God used it for good as this is always His plan when a crisis hits with... Read more