Your First Business a Starters Guide by Darren Wilkins - HTML preview

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Chapter 7: Business Location

Every business requires an address, and as a business operator you will need a suitable premises to run your business from. Maybe you need a store, a warehouse or an office you can even work from home; you will know what is best for your business type.

Where to Locate

Choosing the right location is very important, especially if you require store frontage.  Spend  time  and  research  your  market,  you  will  likely  find  that different store types generally are grouped in close proximity.

Great  for  competition  but  most importantly,     customers     know where  to  go  for  a  product  they need or desire.

"Because you didn't research and the property was so cheap! You will be doomed for failure"

You don't want to end up in a back ally where people never go, just because you didn't research, and the property was so cheap! You will be doomed for failure.

Buy Rent Lease

How  you  secure  your premises  is  something  you  will  need to  review  and account for in your business plan. The type and location will often be driven by the amount of finances you have available.

Always investigate any property carefully, can you operate a business from there and importantly can your business industry type.

Often local governments have bylaws affecting the types of businesses that can operate in a certain area.

As an example you may want to open an auto repair garage and the letting agent tells you; "No Problem" look around see there are established garages in the vicinity. You sign up, open your doors and three weeks later the local inspector  shuts  you  down,  you  find  out  the  existing  garages  have  an exemption with some a grace period of two years to relocate. You, however, are new and no exemptions apply.

Failing to investigate can cause quick failure and put you on the fast road to bankruptcy.

Signing Contracts

With  any  property  contracts  will  be  required,  once  you  have  a  property decided upon you will be given a contract "Never accept Verbal Contracts",

Always take the time to review the contract carefully, take it away and think on it for a day or two, never be talked into signing immediately, take that as a sign something is wrong.

Get legal advice contracts have many hidden clauses and some are a trap, Lawyers fees now can save thousands later.

Work from Home

Working from home is a great option. However there  are a few things  you need to consider.

Distractions,  working  form  home  means  you  are  always  available.  Your family  wants  you,  kids  need  help  with  homework,  want  to  play  ball,  the kitchen  sink  is  blocked,  your  out  of  sugar,  the  drapes  are  torn,  the distractions go on and on.

Are  you  prepared  for  that  and how  will  you  deal  with  it.  Set rules lay out a plan and discuss it with    you    wife/husband    and children, so they know and accept that you are working between hours… to hours… o'clock,

"Time spent investigating now can save lots of time, money and stress later"

Importantly you will  need to check the  local  laws, often there  are  laws  in place  covering  home  businesses,  certain  businesses  cannot  be  run  from home or at least some districts.

Time spent investigating now can save lots of time, money and stress later.