Your First Business a Starters Guide by Darren Wilkins - HTML preview

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Chapter 8: MarketinglAdvertising

How  are  you  planning  to  get  your  business  seen  and  importantly recognized  and  known.  If  no  one  knows  you  exist  you  cant  expect success. We touched a little on branding in Chapter 3 Market Research and Chapter 6 Business Name (branding).

Now is time to build a plan, a plan will give you a roadmap for the future and will guide your decision-making and help your business be successful. Review the  page  on our site before you start, this will give you a good idea of what to do.

How to plan

You have already, decided from Chapter 3, who your target  audience, will be, get a pen and paper.

Make  a list  of ten marketing ideas, do a Google  search  to help out  if you want.

There  are  many  options  available  to  get  known,  build  a  website  using and  you  can  even  build  one  for free.

If you are  on a  tight  budget, simple flyers, brochures, business  cards  and also newspaper ads are simple ways to advertize.

"Make a list of ten marketing ideas, do a Google search to help out"

Radio and television advertising can reach a much larger audience and need not be costly if your budget is limited. Make contact with some  community radio or television stations and discuss with them what options are available that may suit your needs.

Word of mouth is always a winner; ask your friends and family to spread the word, tell  everyone  about  your business  and as  you build loyal  customers ask them to spread the word.