Your First Business a Starters Guide by Darren Wilkins - HTML preview

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Appendix A : FAQ's

Q:      I've done a self-assessment and I don't have the skills for business?

A:      Anyone  can  run  a  business,  maybe  look  at  modifying  your  business  or  even choose a different one.

Q:      I want to buy a business, and I can't the get finances?

A:      Build a plan and demonstrate you can repay, second you could look closely at starting your own business in the same market.

Q:      I've can't find any information on my market?

A:      Information is always available, you can even approach your future competition you will be surprised; most will be willing to assist.

Q:      I cannot decide on what is the best structure for my business?

A:      you can always  start  as a  sole trader and  as your business  grows  change  the structure at a later date. Always get legal advice.

Q:      I am having difficulty choosing a name for my business?

A:      Search online or use the Jaxxy tool (Appendix B)

Q:      I can get a premises for my business from a friend or relative very cheap and no contract, what should I do?

A:      Read carefully chapter 7, also a contract is recommended as it protects you and your friend/relative

Q:      My business idea and plan have been rejected by investors what can I do?

A:      Review all the chapters in this EBook and check and compare with your plan and make the necessary changes. You could also consider paying for a professional business planning service.